PEPmodel W3C Architecture Domain HTTP


Welcome to the PEP demonstration code.

Please see the documentation in src/classes/doc or the source code in src/classes/model. The source has been HTMLized under doc/model whit a java app called JavaExpander which I hope to find time to finish and give out.


The PEPmodel package was designed for:


The PEPmodel package is distributed in zipped and gzipped formats. The source tree may be browsed in java source file form or html form.


Because the Makefiles change directory, "." is not a sufficient CLASSPATH. Instead, you must specify a full path up to src/classes. You must also specify where the makefiles directory is. For instance, if you have copied PEPmodel into /usr/local/src/PEPmodel, you may go to /usr/local/src/PEPmodel/src/classes and type:

CLASSPATH=/usr/local/src/PEPmodel/src/classes MAKEDIR=/usr/local/src/PEPmodel/makefiles make

This will also require to have the java compiler, javac, in your classpath.


Of course, java renders all of this moot as the distribution binaries may be run on any JVM. You need to set your CLASSPATH. If you installed this package in /usr/local/src, your CLASSPATH will point to /usr/local/src/PEPmodel/src/classes. With a Sun JVM, you may hae to add to the CLASSPATH, eg

export CLASSPATH=/usr/local/src/PEPmodel/src/classes:/usr/java/lib/
On windows, the CLASSPATH separator is a ';' rathern than a ':':

set CLASSPATH c:\PEPmodel\src\classes;\Java\lib\CLASSES.ZIP

Here's how you run the Server:

java -port 8888
You will see something like:
<!- server root
and it will sit there until you give it a reuqest from the client:
java http://localhost:8888/escaped/doc/Overview.html
You should see a status line from server like this:
<!- reading "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" ->

For a more detailed view of the output, please see the SampleSession.

Eric Prud'hommeaux