What does XML have to do with Immanuel Kant?

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen

Net.ObjectDays 2004

5. Internationale GI-Fachtagung für Objektorientierte und Internet-basierte Technologien, Konzepte und Anwendungen.


29. September 2004

TOC | First

What makes the Web special?

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Why the World Wide Web, and not (e.g.) Guide or InterMedia or System-G?

What makes the Web special?

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Why the World Wide Web, and not (e.g.) Guide or InterMedia or System-G?

What makes the Web special?

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Why the World Wide Web, and not (e.g.) Guide or InterMedia or System-G?

What makes the Web special?

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Why the World Wide Web, and not (e.g.) Guide or InterMedia or System-G?

What makes the Web special?

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Why the World Wide Web, and not (e.g.) Guide or InterMedia or System-G?

What makes the Web special?

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Why the World Wide Web, and not (e.g.) Guide or InterMedia or System-G?

What makes the Web special?

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Why the World Wide Web, and not (e.g.) Guide or InterMedia or System-G?

What makes the Web special?

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Why the World Wide Web, and not (e.g.) Guide or InterMedia or System-G?

What makes the Web special?

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Why the World Wide Web, and not (e.g.) Guide or InterMedia or System-G?
  • first off the block
  • improved reliability
  • innovation
  • simplicity
The Web succeeded because it was simple.
Why was it made simple?

What makes the Web special?

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Why the World Wide Web, and not (e.g.) Guide or InterMedia or System-G?
  • first off the block
  • improved reliability
  • innovation
  • simplicity
The Web succeeded because it was simple.
Why was it made simple? In order to scale.

A cautionary note

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Simplicity is not enough.
Consider the story of Gopher. And remember Albert Einstein.

The World Wide Web Consortium

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Our mission: to lead the Web to its full potential.
Our goals:
  • universal access
  • semantic Web
  • trust
  • interoperability
  • evolvability (through simplicity, modularity, compatibility, extensibility)
  • decentralization
  • cooler multimedia

Some consequences

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Because of our goals, we care about

W3C organization

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A decentralized world-wide organization.
  • members from Europe, North America, and Asia
  • Working Groups, Advisory Committee
  • technical staff
  • host organizations
    • ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics), Sophia-Antipolis
    • Keio University, Tokyo
    • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.
  • offices in many regions: Australia, Benelux, Finland, Germany/Austria, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Korea, Morocco, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and Ireland.

We need your help

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As customers, demand that your vendors support open standards!
As users, read and comment on our draft specifications!
As developers, read and comment on our draft specifications, and then implement them!
As institutions, join the W3C to give users and developers a stronger voice within the organization!

What makes XML special?

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First, the heritage of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language, ISO 8879):
  • generic / generalized / descriptive markup (vs. application-specific)
    • for data reuse
    • for data longevity
  • (therefore) declarative markup (vs. imperative)
  • information has validatable structure
  • markup semantics are defined by application, not centrally
  • (ideally) markup semantics fit the application
Note the social pattern: user owns data, not application software owns data.

What makes XML special?

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  • simplicity
XML is SGML without some of the cruft.


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Some dates:
1967: early work on generic markup: logical markup, not appearance- or process-oriented
1973: Generalized Markup Language
1986: Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) an ISO standard
1996: Work on ‘SGML on the Web’ starts in W3C
  • Make SGML Web-ready. Keep XML SGML-compatible.
  • Keep the power: nested structure, world view, reusability, generic markup, data ownership.
  • Lose the cruft: simplify, simplify!
1998: XML 1.0 becomes a W3C Recommendation
2004: over 20 XML-related specs at W3C — why so many?
Has XML lost its simplicity?

XML is a language

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The syntax of XML is simple:
  <rule number="1">Everything is delimited.
      <subrule>Elements are delimited by <term>start-</term> 
        and <term>end-tags</term>.</subrule>
      <subrule>Tags are delimited by angle brackets.</subrule>
      <subrule>Attribute values are delimited by 
        quotation marks.</subrule>
  <rule number="2">Everything nests.
      <subrule>Elements occur within elements.</subrule>
      <subrule>Attributes are specified within start-tags.</subrule>

XML is a metalanguage

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Three layers of rules governing data.

DTDs do two different things

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Distinguish logical and physical structure.

Four layers, four or more specs

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To every thing there is a season. And a spec.

What we foresaw (and a bit more)

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The original plan:
  • XML (a lightweight SGML) 1998
    • generic markup
    • validation
  • XLink / XPointer (lightweight HyTime) 2002, 2003
    • stand-off links
    • n-way linking
    • structure-based addressing
  • XSL (lightweight DSSSL) 1999, 2001
    • structure-based formatting and rendering
    • tree transformations
    • flow objects
  • XML applications / XML-based languages (SMIL, XHTML, MathML, ...)
An early addition: XML Namespaces 1.0.

Conceptual layers

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A conceptual stack for markup (or data representation generally).

Conceptual layers

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A conceptual stack for markup (or data representation generally).

Conceptual layers

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A conceptual stack for markup (or data representation generally).

Conceptual layers

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A conceptual stack for markup (or data representation generally).

Conceptual layers

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A conceptual stack for markup (or data representation generally).

Conceptual layers

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A conceptual stack for markup (or data representation generally).

Conceptual layers

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A conceptual stack for markup (or data representation generally).

Conceptual layers

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A conceptual stack for markup (or data representation generally).

Conceptual layers

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A conceptual stack for markup (or data representation generally).

Conceptual layers

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A conceptual stack for markup (or data representation generally).

Conceptual layers

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A conceptual stack for markup (or data representation generally).

Implications of the stack

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XML Information Set: what is information, what is insignificant variation
XML 1.1: alignment with Unicode 3
XML Namespaces 1.1: improve processing on abstract model, re-serialization

World domination through markup

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A typical data flow diagram.

What will data processing be?

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When you have a good hammer ...
(Possible analogies with Jenny, die Seeräuberbraut, or with Joh. Faustus.)

Further implications

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If XML is a good way to represent complex data, then we'll also need:
  • APIs for XML
    • Document Object Model (DOM)
    • Simple API for XML (SAX)
  • XML querying
    • XPath
    • XQuery
    • XSLT
  • XML-to-XML transformations
    • XQuery
    • XSLT
  • XML messages for distributed applications
    • SOAP
    • Web Services description, choreography
    • Digital signatures, encryption
    • ontologies for distributed processes, services, clients, ...
  • XML applications (commercial, academic, ...)

Yet further implications

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And what about
  • semantics
Every XML vocabulary entails (implicitly or explicitly) an ontology.
Can we connect them to each other?

What makes XML special?

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  • ownership of information
    • freedom from vendor lock-in
    • freedom from pre-defined semantics
    • application independence

What makes XML special?

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  • ownership of information
    • freedom from vendor lock-in
    • freedom from pre-defined semantics
    • application independence
  • responsibility for information
    • You must think about the processing you need.
    • You must decide what information you wish to capture, and what information you wish to discard.
    Sometimes painful, but worthwhile.

Answer to the question “What is enlightenment?”

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Aufklärung ist der Ausgang des Menschen aus seiner selbst verschuldeten Unmündigkeit. Unmündigkeit ist das Unvermögen, sich seines Verstandes ohne Leitung eines anderen zu bedienen.


Enlightenment is the emancipation of the individual from a self-imposed tutelage. Tutelage is the inability to use one's reason without direction from another.

Thank you

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C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Member, Technical staff
World Wide Web Consortium
For more information: http://www.w3.org/XML