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Class w3c.www.dsig.SigSuiteRegistry


public final class SigSuiteRegistry
extends Object
The SignatureRegistry class maintains a database of the DSig signature suites installed on the system. They can be retrieved here via there identifying URLs as defined in the DSig specification. When this class is loaded, it automatically searches the default Java security provider for the algorithms DSA and installs it if presents (it normally is, as it is part of the Sun provider).

Limitations of this class: only one implementation of each algorithm can be in the database at one time.

Variable Index

The URL defined to indentify the DSS (DSA/SHA1) Signature algorithm.
The URL defined to indentify the RSA-MD5 Signature algorithm.
The URL defined to indentify the RSA-SHA1 Signature algorithm.

Method Index

 o addAlgorithm(String, Class)
Add a new signature algorithm, identified via name, implemented by the class clazz.
 o algorithms()
Return an enumeration of the URL names of the currently installed algorithms.
 o getImplementor(String)
Return the Class object of the class implementing the algorithm name.
 o getInstance(String)
Get an instance of a class implementing the Signature algorithm name.
 o isInstalled(String)
Find out if the specified algorithm is installed in the registry.
 o printAlgorithms()
Print the list of currently installed Signature algorithms and the classes that implement them to stdout.
 o removeAlgorithm(String)
Remove the named algorithm from the registry.
 o size()
Return the number of installed signature suites.


 public static final String DSSURL
The URL defined to indentify the DSS (DSA/SHA1) Signature algorithm. Currently this is

 public static final String RSAMD5URL
The URL defined to indentify the RSA-MD5 Signature algorithm. Currently this is

 public static final String RSASHA1URL
The URL defined to indentify the RSA-SHA1 Signature algorithm. Currently this is


 o size
 public static int size()
Return the number of installed signature suites.

 o algorithms
 public static Enumeration algorithms()
Return an enumeration of the URL names of the currently installed algorithms.

 o printAlgorithms
 public static void printAlgorithms()
Print the list of currently installed Signature algorithms and the classes that implement them to stdout.

 o addAlgorithm
 public static boolean addAlgorithm(String name,
                                    Class clazz)
Add a new signature algorithm, identified via name, implemented by the class clazz. Returns true is successful, false otherwise (algorithm already present) or the class represented by the clazz object does not implement a signature suite.

 o isInstalled
 public static boolean isInstalled(String name)
Find out if the specified algorithm is installed in the registry.

 o removeAlgorithm
 public static boolean removeAlgorithm(String name)
Remove the named algorithm from the registry. Returns true if successful, false if the algorithm was not installed.

 o getInstance
 public static SignatureSuite getInstance(String name) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
Get an instance of a class implementing the Signature algorithm name. Name is the URL identifying the algorithm.

Throws: NoSuchAlgorithmException
if the corresponding signature algorithm cannot be found
 o getImplementor
 public static Class getImplementor(String name) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
Return the Class object of the class implementing the algorithm name.

Throws: NoSuchAlgorithmException
if the algorithm is not installed.

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