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Class w3c.www.dsig.DSigUtil


public class DSigUtil
extends Object
Some random utilities used for DSig

Variable Index


Constructor Index

 o DSigUtil()

Method Index

 o base64ToBigInteger(String)
Decode a Base 64 encoded BigInteger.
 o base64ToByteArray(String)
Returns a byte array representatino of a base64 string.
 o bigIntegerToBase64(BigInteger)
Encode a BigInteger in Base 64 encoding.
 o byteArrayToBase64(byte[])
 o dictionaryToVector(Dictionary)
Returns a vector form of a dictionary
 o printHexDump(byte[])
Print a hexdump of the given byte array.
 o readln(String, String)
Reads a string from the user.
 o toString(Object)
Produces a string representation of an s-expression.
 o waitKey()
Wait for user to press a key


 public static boolean DEBUG


 o DSigUtil
 public DSigUtil()


 o waitKey
 public static void waitKey()
Wait for user to press a key

 o bigIntegerToBase64
 public static String bigIntegerToBase64(BigInteger bi)
Encode a BigInteger in Base 64 encoding. Included here as signature suite implementations will frequently need it.

 o base64ToBigInteger
 public static BigInteger base64ToBigInteger(String b64)
Decode a Base 64 encoded BigInteger. Return the BigInteger object or null if the input was not properly encoded. Included here as signature suite implementations will frequently need it.

 o byteArrayToBase64
 public static String byteArrayToBase64(byte bytes[])
 o base64ToByteArray
 public static byte[] base64ToByteArray(String s) throws DSigException
Returns a byte array representatino of a base64 string.

Throws: DSigException
if the String is a valid base64 String.
 o dictionaryToVector
 public static Vector dictionaryToVector(Dictionary dict)
Returns a vector form of a dictionary

 o readln
 public static String readln(String msg,
                             String def)
Reads a string from the user. msg is the question displayed to the user, and def if the default answer if the user simply press return key.

 o toString
 public static String toString(Object exp)
Produces a string representation of an s-expression.

 o printHexDump
 public static void printHexDump(byte data[])
Print a hexdump of the given byte array. Remainder from debugging.

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