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Class w3c.www.dsig.CertFormatRegistry


public final class CertFormatRegistry
extends Object
The CertFormatRegistry class maintains a database of the certificate formats installed on the system. Classes implementing a certificate format follow the standard API.

Variable Index

The URL defined to indentify the PGP certificate format.
 o X509URL
The URL defined to indentify the X.509 certificate format.

Method Index

 o addFormat(String, Class)
Add a new certificate format, identified via name, implemented by the class clazz.
 o formats()
Return an enumeration with the URL names of the currently installed certificate formats.
 o getImplementor(String)
Return the Class object of the class implementing the certificate format name.
 o getInstance(String)
Get an instance of a class implementing the certificate format name.
 o isInstalled(String)
Find out if the specified certificate format is installed in the registry.
 o printFormats()
Print the list of currently installed certificate formats and the names of the classes that implement them on stdout.
 o removeFormat(String)
Remove the named certificate format from the registry.
 o size()
Return the number of installed certificate formats.


 o X509URL
 public static final String X509URL
The URL defined to indentify the X.509 certificate format. Currently this is, but note that this might change in the future as this variable will always hold the URL of the latest version of the DSig X.509 specification!

 public static final String PGPURL
The URL defined to indentify the PGP certificate format. Currently this is, but note that this might change in the future as this variable will always hold the URL of the latest version of the DSig PGP specification!


 o size
 public static int size()
Return the number of installed certificate formats.

 o formats
 public static Enumeration formats()
Return an enumeration with the URL names of the currently installed certificate formats.

 o printFormats
 public static void printFormats()
Print the list of currently installed certificate formats and the names of the classes that implement them on stdout.

 o addFormat
 public static boolean addFormat(String name,
                                 Class clazz)
Add a new certificate format, identified via name, implemented by the class clazz. The class represented by clazz must implement the interface. Returns true is successful, false otherwise (algorithm already present)

 o isInstalled
 public static boolean isInstalled(String name)
Find out if the specified certificate format is installed in the registry.

 o removeFormat
 public static boolean removeFormat(String name)
Remove the named certificate format from the registry. Returns true if successful, false if the algorithm was not installed.

 o getInstance
 public static Certificate getInstance(String name) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
Get an instance of a class implementing the certificate format name. Name is the URL identifying the algorithm.

Throws: NoSuchAlgorithmException
if the format is not installed.
 o getImplementor
 public static Class getImplementor(String name) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
Return the Class object of the class implementing the certificate format name.

Throws: NoSuchAlgorithmException
if the format is not installed.

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