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public interface SExprStream
extends SExprParser
An interface for a full s-expression parser.

Method Index

 o addParser(char, SExprParser)
Associate an input character with a "sub-parser."
 o getListsAsVectors()
Checks whether lists are to be parsed as Vectors or Cons cells.
 o getReadtable()
Access the dispatch table of the parser.
 o getScratchBuffer()
Accesses an empty string buffer available temporary storage.
 o getSymbols()
Access the symbol table of the parser.
 o parse()
Parse a single object from the stream.
 o read()
Read a single character from the stream.
 o readSkipWhite()
Reads from the stream, skipping whitespace.
 o setListsAsVectors(boolean)
Controls whether parsed lists are Vectors or Cons cells.
 o setReadtable(Readtable)
Assign the dispatch table of the parser.
 o setSymbols(Dictionary)
Assign the symbol table of the parser.


 o parse
 public abstract Object parse() throws SExprParserException, IOException
Parse a single object from the stream.

Throws: SExpParseException
if the input stream cannot be parsed.
Throws: IOException
if the input stream cannot be opened or read.
 o getSymbols
 public abstract Dictionary getSymbols()
Access the symbol table of the parser.

 o setSymbols
 public abstract Dictionary setSymbols(Dictionary symbols)
Assign the symbol table of the parser.

 o getReadtable
 public abstract Readtable getReadtable()
Access the dispatch table of the parser.

 o setReadtable
 public abstract Readtable setReadtable(Readtable readtable)
Assign the dispatch table of the parser.

 o addParser
 public abstract SExprParser addParser(char key,
                                       SExprParser parser)
Associate an input character with a "sub-parser."

 o getListsAsVectors
 public abstract boolean getListsAsVectors()
Checks whether lists are to be parsed as Vectors or Cons cells.

 o setListsAsVectors
 public abstract boolean setListsAsVectors(boolean listsAsVectors)
Controls whether parsed lists are Vectors or Cons cells.

 o getScratchBuffer
 public abstract StringBuffer getScratchBuffer()
Accesses an empty string buffer available temporary storage.

 o readSkipWhite
 public abstract char readSkipWhite() throws IOException
Reads from the stream, skipping whitespace.

 o read
 public abstract int read()
Read a single character from the stream. This method is here because there is no InputStream interface in the package (JavaSoft please take notice!).

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