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public class RSAPrivateKeyImpl
extends Object
implements RSAPrivateKey
An implementation of the interface. This was written because generating a RSA private key from given parameters using the JDK implementation in the Sun provider is not possible by via the security interfaces (BUG!).

See Also:

Constructor Index

 o RSAPrivateKeyImpl(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger)
Create a new RSA private key from the given private exponent d, given public exponent e, and given modulus n.

Method Index

 o encrypt(byte[])
returns the encrypted byte arary for the given byte array input.
 o getAlgorithm()
returns the String "RSA"
 o getEncoded()
returns the encoding.
 o getExponent()
returns the exponent of the RSA key
 o getFormat()
returns the String "ASN1"
 o getModulus()
returns the modulus of the RSA key


 o RSAPrivateKeyImpl
 public RSAPrivateKeyImpl(BigInteger d,
                          BigInteger e,
                          BigInteger n)
Create a new RSA private key from the given private exponent d, given public exponent e, and given modulus n.


 o getExponent
 public BigInteger getExponent()
returns the exponent of the RSA key

 o getModulus
 public BigInteger getModulus()
returns the modulus of the RSA key

 o getAlgorithm
 public String getAlgorithm()
returns the String "RSA"

 o getFormat
 public String getFormat()
returns the String "ASN1"

 o getEncoded
 public byte[] getEncoded()
returns the encoding.

 o encrypt
 public byte[] encrypt(byte signMe[]) throws SignatureException
returns the encrypted byte arary for the given byte array input.

Throws: SignatureException
if an error occurs during signature generation.

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