REFEREE Sample Policy 5

Check document hash and defer trust to GoodMouseClicking

T The policy used in this section extends sample policy 4 of the previous section to include checking of hash functions. Here we emphasize the way different modules interact with each other as well as the data flow.
Policy in English
Get the PICS labels about the document as well as GoodMouseClicking's endorsement about the label raters from the label bureau "". Allow viewing this URL only if the endorsement is found, hash is verified, and the violin rating is less than 2.
TRUE because all conditions stated above match. The PICS label with the hash verification and GoodMouseClicking endorsement is returned.
"check-hash" module right now is only a stub; it vouches for any PICS label containing 'md5' field. The final pattern matcher says that the PICS labels are valid only if both "endorse-label" and "check-hash" place the stamp on it. You can imagine adding digital signature to verify authenticity in a similar fashion.
DIY: Do-It-Yourself
You can delete the 'md5' field of the PICS label to get a 'FALSE' output.

Action: URL:

Corresponding Profiles-0.92 policy for the action:

PICS labels being fetched:

Raters in which GoodMoouseClicking vouches for:

Yang-Hua Chu
Last modified: Fri Apr 4 23:58:51 EST