P3P Interoperability Session
November 2, 2000

Please fill out this form and email it to: w3c-p3p-interopcall@w3.org

I am interested in participating at the November 2 Interoperability
Session at 2 p.m. at the Crowne Plaza Cabana Hotel in Palo Alto.

1. Name:

2. Company/Organization:

3. Email: 

4. Phone:

5. Fax:

6. Please check one:

___ I plan to participate in person.

___ I cannot participate in person, but my company/organization
would like to participate (by making a P3P implementation available
to participants or posting a P3P policy on our web site).

7. I am representing my company/organization as (please check all that

____ a developer building the following P3P tools
(Please specify further):
___ Client-side tools (eg., Browser Helper Objects, plug-ins)
___ Privacy policy converters
___ Server development tools (eg., server deployment, negotiation)
___ Other ___________________

____ a company/organization interested in seeing what our privacy
statement will look like in P3P

____ a Privacy advocate interested in learning how P3P will help
protect privacy

____ a member of the press

____ a researcher

____ Other __________________________________________

8. If you are interested in demonstrating a P3P tool or talking 
about your P3P-enabled web site, please describe what you would 
like to present here.

The information in this registration form will be used only to make 
sure that you receive the information pertinent to your participation 
in the Interop session and the P3P project in general, and for no 
other purpose.