[These are draft minutes -- please take a moment to read and send me any corrections or additions. Thank you!  -- bkm]

Conference call: 31-Jan-2000.
Chair: Jean-François Abramatic


    Alastair Angwin, WAP
    Bruce Martin, WAP
    Johan Hjelm, W3C
    Kevin Wagner, WAP
    Jean-François Abramatic, W3C
    Lalitha Suryanarayana, WAP
    Philipp Hoschka, W3C
    Judy Brewer, W3C
    Vincent Quint, W3C
    Alain Grignac, WAP

Action Items

Meeting Agenda Preparation for Rome

Initial F2F meeting in Rome.  Meeting date will be Thursday, 10-Feb-2000, 1PM-5PM.  Meeting room will be extended into the evening in case we need it.

Possible topics for Rome:

1. WAP Multimedia -- new effort on multimedia and multimedia messaging (MMS) in a
    variety of WAP WGs.  Should include SMIL.

2. WAP Convergence effort -- new effort in WAP Arch WG.

3. XHTML modularity -- WAP needs to comment on this

4. I18N -- the two working groups need to coordinate, and ensure that there are no specification issues.

5. Accessibility -- are there ways to coordinate our work, and the burgeoning accessbility work in WAP?

6. Access to the alternative group's web site

7. IPR Policy discussion -- W3C has a lot of experience to share here.

8. Application Developer Guidelines -- both WAP and W3C are working in this area

Rome Meeting Agenda

JFA: How do we want to work?  We can come bottom up from the technology, or top down from general principals and philosophy.

General agreement that bottom-up, focused on specific issues, is the way to go.

When we discuss a topic, we need to cover:
    - Division of the organizations, efforts under way
    - Goals, requirements
    - Difficulties and problems in this area
    - Discussion
WAP may want to bring in external experts (e.g., on multimedia).

From the W3C side, Vincent will handle XHTML, and Philipp for multimedia. WAP will need to confirm, but likely candidates are Bashar Jano (XHTML) and Tetsuro (multimedia).

We also need to discuss developer guidelines (WAP Apps Developer, W3C Accessibility).

AI: Alastair to find WAP candidates.
AI: Judy -- to speak with Daniel regarding meeting attendance.
AI: Kevin and Bruce to put together summary of WAP IPR rules and summary

Agenda has been resolved to follow this order:
    - XHTML
    - Multimedia
    - Developer Guidelines
    - Convergence discusssion / kick-off
    - IPR
    - Access to WAP info/mailing lists by other W3C staffers (confidentiality issues)
Each item will roughly cover the same format as outlined above.

Johan has suggested that the WAP CEO attend (or at least be invited).
AI: Bruce will ask Scott Goldman to participate.

Future F2F Meetings

Future F2F need to be planned.  General concensus was that we need 2-4 meetings a year, and that it would be convenient to align with WAP or W3C meetings.

We will coordinate this via email, and pick dates.

Future Teleconferences

Will be on Mondays, once a month, first Monday of each month.
     US West Coast:  06:00
     US East Coast:  09:00
     London:  14:00
     Paris :  15:00
     Tokyo:  23:00

Other Discussion

Brief discussion about other organizational structures, such as having W3C join WAP.  Deferred to Rome, during the IPR discussion.

Johan has built a web site for the group on the W3C web site.  He will publish the URL.

W3C has had trouble communicating with with WAP PR people.   BKM indicated that there are some issues internal to WAP, and that this will not be resolved for a while.   WAP will let W3C know when this is resolved.

Location conference report by Johan -- agenda is resolved and things are in good shape.

Rome meeting:  JFA and Judy will not make it, but everyone else is planning on attending.

Next teleconference: 1st Monday in March.