# MathML 4 (Strict Content) # ######################### # Copyright 1998-2024 W3C (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang) # # Use and distribution of this code are permitted under the terms # W3C Software Notice and License # http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231 default namespace m = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" start |= math.strict CommonAtt = attribute id {xsd:ID}?, attribute xref {text}? math.strict = element math {math.attributes,ContExp*} math.attributes &= CommonAtt ContExp = semantics-contexp | cn | ci | csymbol | apply | bind | share | cerror | cbytes | cs cn = element cn {cn.attributes,cn.content} cn.content = text cn.attributes = CommonAtt, attribute type {"integer" | "real" | "double" | "hexdouble"} semantics-ci = element semantics {CommonAtt,(ci|semantics-ci), (annotation|annotation-xml)*} semantics-contexp = element semantics {CommonAtt,MathExpression, (annotation|annotation-xml)*} annotation |= element annotation {CommonAtt,text} anyElement |= element (* - m:*) {(attribute * {text}|text| anyElement)*} annotation-xml |= element annotation-xml {annotation-xml.attributes, (MathExpression*|anyElement*)} annotation-xml.attributes &= CommonAtt, cd?, encoding? encoding &= attribute encoding {xsd:string} ci = element ci {ci.attributes, ci.content} ci.attributes = CommonAtt, ci.type? ci.type = attribute type {"integer" | "rational" | "real" | "complex" | "complex-polar" | "complex-cartesian" | "constant" | "function" | "vector" | "list" | "set" | "matrix"} ci.content = text csymbol = element csymbol {csymbol.attributes,csymbol.content} SymbolName = xsd:NCName csymbol.attributes = CommonAtt, cd csymbol.content = SymbolName cd = attribute cd {xsd:NCName} name = attribute name {xsd:NCName} src = attribute src {xsd:anyURI}? BvarQ = bvar* bvar = element bvar {CommonAtt, (ci | semantics-ci)} apply = element apply {CommonAtt,apply.content} apply.content = ContExp+ bind = element bind {CommonAtt,bind.content} bind.content = ContExp,bvar*,ContExp share = element share {CommonAtt, src, empty} cerror = element cerror {cerror.attributes, csymbol, ContExp*} cerror.attributes = CommonAtt cbytes = element cbytes {cbytes.attributes, base64} cbytes.attributes = CommonAtt base64 = xsd:base64Binary cs = element cs {cs.attributes, text} cs.attributes = CommonAtt MathExpression |= ContExp