Verify the functionality of the border attribute for TABLE.
Test for assertion 11.3.1-3

In the following table, the border attribute for TABLE is not set. Therefore, the table shall have no border because the default value is 0.

Table Head 1Table Head 2
Table Data 1Table Data 2

In the following table, the border attribute for TABLE is set to 0. Therefore, the table shall have no border.

Table Head 1Table Head 2
Table Data 1Table Data 2

In the following table, the border attribute for TABLE is set to 1. Therefore, the table shall have a border with a width of 1 pixel.

Table Head 1Table Head 2
Table Data 1Table Data 2

In the following table, the border attribute for TABLE is set to 2. Therefore, the table shall have a border with width of 2 pixels.

Table Head 1Table Head 2
Table Data 1Table Data 2

In the following table, the border attribute for TABLE is set to 10. Therefore, the table shall have a border with width of 10 pixels.

Table Head 1Table Head 2
Table Data 1Table Data 2