HTML 4.01 Test Suite - Assertions

Testable Assertions: Section 15 Alignment, font styles, and horizontal rules

Valid HTML 4.01!

15 Alignment, font styles, and horizontal rules

Assertion 15.1.1-1

Reference: Section 15.1.1
(must)(deprecated) The bgcolor attribute sets the background color for the document body or table cells, affecting these elements: BODY, TABLE, TR, TH and TD. The value for this attribute is a color (section 6.5)
Tests: None

Assertion 15.1.2-1

Reference: Section 15.1.2
(must)(deprecated) The align attribute specifies the horozontal alignment of its element with respect to the surrounding context. In section 15.1.2, it is only defined for text elements. It has four values: left, center, right and justify.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.1.2-2

Reference: Section 15.1.2
(must)(deprecated) The left value for the align attribute renders text lines flush left.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.1.2-3

Reference: Section 15.1.2
(must)(deprecated) The center value for the align attribute centers text lines.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.1.2-4

Reference: Section 15.1.2
(must)(deprecated) The right value for the align attribute renders text lines flush right.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.1.2-5

Reference: Section 15.1.2
(must)(deprecated) The justify value for the align attribute justifies text lines to both margins.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.1.2-6

Reference: Section 15.1.2
(must)(deprecated) The default value for the align attribute depends on base text direction. For left to right text, the default value is left. For right to left text, the default value is right.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.1.2-7

Reference: Section 15.1.2
(must)(deprecated) The CENTER element is exactly equivalent to specifying the DIV element with the align attribute set to center.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.1.3-1

Reference: Section 15.1.3
(must)(deprecated) The align attribute for object, images, tables, frames, etc., causes the object to float to the left or right margin. Section 15.1.3 only considers the align attribute for use with object, images, tables, frames, etc.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.1.3-2

Reference: Section 15.1.3
(must)(deprecated) The left value for the align attribute floats the object to the current left margin. Subsequent text flows along the image's right side.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.1.3-3

Reference: Section 15.1.3
(must)(deprecated) The right value for the align attribute floats the object to the current right margin. Subsequent text flows along the image's left side.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.1.3-4

Reference: Section 15.1.3
(must)(deprecated) For P and DIV, the center value for the align attribute causes the contents of the element to be centered.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.1.3-5

Reference: Section 15.1.3
(must)(deprecated) The clear attribute is defined for the BR element. The clear attribute specifies where the next line should appear in a visual browser after the line break caused by BR.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.1.3-6

Reference: Section 15.1.3
(must)(deprecated) The none value for the clear attribute means that the next line will begin normally. This is the default value.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.1.3-7

Reference: Section 15.1.3
(must)(deprecated) The left value for the clear attribute means that the next line will begin at the nearest line below any floating objects on the left-hand margin.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.1.3-8

Reference: Section 15.1.3
(must)(deprecated) The right value for the clear attribute means that the next line will begin at the nearest line below any floating objects on the right-hand margin.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.1.3-9

Reference: Section 15.1.3
(must)(deprecated) The all value for the clear attribute means that the next line will begin at the nearest line below any floating objects on either margin.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.2.1-1

Reference: Section 15.2.1
(author)(must) The start tag and end tag are required for TT, I, B, BIG, SMALL and STRIKE.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.2.1-2

Reference: Section 15.2.1
(author)(must)(deprecated) The start tag and end tag are required for the S and U tags.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.2.1-3

Reference: Section 15.2.1
(must)(deprecated) The size attribute of the FONT and BASEFONT tags sets the size of the font.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.2.1-4

Reference: Section 15.2.1
(must)(deprecated) Some possible values for the size attribute are the integers between 1 and 7. These integers set the font to some fixed size, whose rendering depends on the user agent.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.2.1-5

Reference: Section 15.2.1
(must)(deprecated) The other possible values for the size attribute are relative increases in font size. The value "+1" means one size larger. The value "-3" means three sizes smaller. All sizes belong to the scale of 1 to 7.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.2.1-6

Reference: Section 15.2.1
(must)(deprecated) The color attribute of the FONT and BASEFONT tags sets the text color.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.2.1-7

Reference: Section 15.2.1
(should)(deprecated) The face attribute of the FONT and BASEFONT tags defines a comma-separated list of font names the user agent should search for in order of preference
Tests: None

Assertion 15.2.1-8

Reference: Section 15.2.1
(must)(deprecated) The FONT element changes the font size and color for text in its contents.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.2.1-9

Reference: Section 15.2.1
(must)(deprecated) The BASEFONT element sets the base font size using the size attribute.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.2.1-10

Reference: Section 15.2.1
(must)(deprecated) Font size changes achieved with FONT are relative to the base font size set by BASEFONT.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.2.1-11

Reference: Section 15.2.1
(must)(deprecated) If BASEFONT is not used, the default base font size is 3.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.2.1-12

Reference: Section 15.2.1
(must)(deprecated) The base font size does not apply to headings, except where these are modified using the FONT element with a relative font size change.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.3-1

Reference: Section 15.3
(author)(must) HR: The start tag is required and the end tag is forbidden.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.3-2

Reference: Section 15.3
(must)(deprecated) The align attribute of the HR element specifies the horozontal alignment of the rule with respect to the surrounding context.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.3-3

Reference: Section 15.3
(must)(deprecated) The left value of the align attribute of the HR element means that the rule is rendered flush left.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.3-4

Reference: Section 15.3
(must)(deprecated) The center value of the align attribute of the HR element means that the rule is centered.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.3-5

Reference: Section 15.3
(must)(deprecated) The right value of the align attribute of the HR element means that the rule is rendered flush right.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.3-6

Reference: Section 15.3
(must)(deprecated) The default value of the align attribute of the HR element is center.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.3-7

Reference: Section 15.3
(must)(deprecated) The noshade attribute of the HR element is a boolean attribute that, when set, requests taht the user agent render the rule in a solid color rather than as the tradional two-color "groove".
Tests: None

Assertion 15.3-8

Reference: Section 15.3
(must)(deprecated) The size attribute of the HR element specifies the height of the rule.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.3-9

Reference: Section 15.3
(must)(deprecated) The value of the size attribute of the HR element is measured in pixels. The default value for this attribute depends on the user agent.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.3-10

Reference: Section 15.3
(must)(deprecated) The width attribute specifies the width of the rule. The default value for this attribute is 100%, which means that the rule extends across the entire canvas.
Tests: None

Assertion 15.3-11

Reference: Section 15.3
(must) The HR element causes a horizontal rule to be rendered by visual user agents.
Tests: 15_3-BF-01.html