Chapter 4

Test Case Description Link To Spec XForms-Basic? Normative?
4.2.1.a model-construct dispatched, displays message 4.2.1 true true
4.2.1.b1 XML schemas loaded 4.2.1 false true
4.2.1.b2 XML schemas loaded with an exception 4.2.1 false true
4.2.1.c1 initial instance data comes from external source 4.2.1 true true
4.2.1.c2 external source takes precedence over inline initial instance data 4.2.1 true true
4.2.1.c3 external initial instance cannot be retrieved 4.2.1 true true
4.2.1.d model item properties are applied to remaining attributes of bind 4.2.1 true true
4.2.1.e binding causes xforms-binding-exception event 4.2.1 true true
4.2.1.f xforms-model-construct-done event dispatched 4.2.1 true true
4.2.2.a xforms-model-construct-done event dispatched after xforms-model-construct event 4.2.2 true true
4.2.2.b form's binding expression fails, form control behaves as irrelevant model item 4.2.2 true true
4.2.3.a xforms-ready event dispatched after xforms-model-construct-done event 4.2.3 true true
4.2.4.a xforms-model-destruct event dispatched 4.2.4 true true
4.3.1.a xforms-next and xforms-previous event 4.3.1 true false
4.3.2.a xforms-focus event dispatched 4.3.2 true true
4.3.3.a xforms-hint and xforms-help events dispatched 4.3.3 true true
4.3.4.a xforms-refresh event dispatched 4.3.4 true true
4.3.7.a xforms-rebuild event dispatched 4.3.7 true true
4.3.8.a xforms-reset event dispatched along with other xforms events 4.3.8 true true
4.4.1.a DOMActivate event dispatched 4.4.1 true true
4.4.2.a xforms-value-changed event dispatched 4.4.2 true true
4.4.3.a xforms-select and xforms-deselect events dispatched 4.4.3 true true
4.4.4.a xforms-scroll-first and xforms-scroll-last events dispatched 4.4.4 true true
4.4.5.a xforms-insert and xforms-delete events 4.4.5 true true
4.4.6.a xforms-valid event dispatched 4.4.6 true true
4.4.7.a xforms-invalid event dispatched 4.4.7 true true
4.4.8.a DOMFocusIn event dispatched 4.4.8 true true
4.4.9.a DOMFocusOut event dispatched 4.4.9 true true
4.4.16.a xforms-in-range event dispatched 4.4.16 true true
4.4.17.a xforms-out-of-range event dispatched 4.4.17 true true
4.4.18.a xforms-submit-done event dispatched 4.4.18 true true
4.4.19.a xforms-submit-error event dispatched 4.4.19 true true
4.5.1.a1 xforms-binding-exception, model attribute fails to point to model element 4.5.1 true true
4.5.1.a2 xforms-binding-exception, bind attribute fails to point to bind element 4.5.1 true true
4.5.1.a3 xforms-binding-exception, submission attribute fails to point to submission element 4.5.1 true true
4.5.2.a xforms-link-exception 4.5.2 true true
4.5.3.a xforms-link-error 4.5.3 true true
4.5.4.a xforms-compute-exception 4.5.4 true true
4.6.1.a event sequencing for input, textarea, secret, range, upload 4.6.1 true false
4.6.1.a2 (Alternate version of 4.6.1.a) event sequencing for input, textarea, secret, range, upload 4.6.1 true false
4.6.1.b focus changes from the form control with value change, event sequencing for input, textarea, secret, range, upload 4.6.1 true false
4.6.1.b2 (Alternate version of 4.6.1.b) focus changes from the form control with value change, event sequencing for input, textarea, secret, range, upload 4.6.1 true false
4.6.3.a interactively changed selection, event sequencing for select or select1 controls 4.6.3 true true
4.6.3.b focus changes from the selection with value change, event sequencing for select or select1 controls 4.6.3 true true
4.6.4.a activating trigger controls causes event sequence, activating a trigger 4.6.4 true true
4.6.5.a activating submit controls causes event sequence, activating a submission 4.6.5 true true