W3C W3C XForms

How to maintain the XForms Test Suite

XForms 1.0 Test Suite

For a processor to pass these tests, it is not required to recognise or process the host language used. The tests may be rehosted in any other XML language, as long as the parts in the XForms, XML Events, and XML Schema namespaces remain unchanged.

Similarly, there is no requirement for the processor to accept any particular media type for the tests.

Step 1: Manage Test Suite

Go to Step 1 only if you are structurally changing the Test Suite, adding or removing a test or adding or removing groups of tests (e.g. when creating or extending a test suite).

Step 2: Manage Tests

The next step is about adding and managing data values for a test, documenting the test results from an implementation running thru the test suite.