5. Client-side Image Map

This appendix is normative.

The Client-side Image Map Module provides elements for client side image maps. It requires that the Image Module (or another module that supports the img element) be included. The Client-side Image Map Module supports the following elements:

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
a& coords (CDATA), shape ("rect" | "circle" | "poly" | "default") n/a
area Common, accesskey (Character), alt* (Text), coords (CDATA), href (URI), nohref ("nohref"), shape ("rect"* | "circle" | "poly" | "default"), tabindex (Number) EMPTY
img& usemap (URI) n/a
input& usemap (URI) Note: Only when the Forms or Basic Forms module is included
map I18N, Events, class (NMTOKEN), id* (ID), title (CDATA) ((Heading | Block) | area)+
object& usemap (URI) Note: Only when the object module is included

When this module is used, the map element is added to the Inline content set of the Text Module.

Implementations: DTD, XML Schema