Dummy Implementation of Rich HyperText Object

**	(c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995.
**	Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.

If you are not using the libwww HTML parser but you are compiling libwww as a shared library then you need to include this dummy implementation of the HText interface in order to link succesfully. In order to compile it in, you can do something like this

#include "HTextImp.h"

This module is a part of the W3C Sample Code Library.

#ifndef HTEXTIMP_H
#define HTEXTIMP_H

#include "HText.h"
struct _HText {};
PUBLIC HTStyleSheet * styleSheet = NULL;
PUBLIC HText * HText_new2 (HTRequest * request, HTParentAnchor * anchor,
			   HTStream * stream) {return NULL;}
PUBLIC void HText_free (HText * me) {}
PUBLIC void HText_beginAnchor (HText * text, HTChildAnchor * anchor) {}
PUBLIC void HText_endAnchor (HText * text) {}
PUBLIC void HText_appendText (HText * text, const char * str) {}
PUBLIC void HText_appendImage (HText * text, HTChildAnchor * anchor,
			       const char *alt, const char * align, BOOL isMap) {}
PUBLIC void HText_appendCharacter (HText * text, char ch) {}
PUBLIC void HText_endAppend (HText * text) {}
PUBLIC void HText_setStyle (HText * text, HTStyle * style) {}
PUBLIC void HText_beginAppend (HText * text) {}
PUBLIC void HText_appendParagraph (HText * text) {}


@(#) $Id: HTextImp.html,v 2.1 1998/05/14 13:19:08 frystyk Exp $