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Class w3c.www.http.HttpSetCookie


public class HttpSetCookie
extends Object

Variable Index

 o comment
The cookie's comment.
 o domain
The cookie's domain name.
 o maxage
The cookie's max age.
 o name
The cookie's name.
 o path
The cookie's associated path.
 o security
Does this cookie requires special security care by client ?
 o value
 o version
This cookie's version.

Constructor Index

 o HttpSetCookie()

Method Index

 o getComment()
Get this SetCookie attached comment.
 o getDomain()
Get the domain to which this cookie applies.
 o getMaxAge()
Get the max age value for this cookie.
 o getName()
Get this SetCookie cookie's name.
 o getPath()
Get the path in which this cookie will apply.
 o getSecurity()
Get the security requirement atttached to that cookie.
 o getValue()
Get the value associated with this SetCookie.
 o getVersion()
Get the SetCookie version number.
 o setComment(String)
Set this SetCookie attached comment.
 o setDomain(String)
Define the domain for this SetCookie.
 o setMaxAge(int)
Set the max age value for this cookie.
 o setName(String)
Set this SetCookie name.
 o setPath(String)
Set the path to which this SetCookie applies.
 o setSecurity(boolean)
Mark/unmark this SetCookie as requiring special security when emited back by the client.
 o setValue(String)
Set this SetCookie cookie's value.
 o setVersion(int)
Set the SetCookie version number.


 o name
 protected String name
The cookie's name.

 o value
 protected String value
 o comment
 protected String comment
The cookie's comment.

 o domain
 protected String domain
The cookie's domain name.

 o maxage
 protected int maxage
The cookie's max age.

 o path
 protected String path
The cookie's associated path.

 o security
 protected boolean security
Does this cookie requires special security care by client ?

 o version
 protected int version
This cookie's version.


 o HttpSetCookie
 public HttpSetCookie()


 o getComment
 public String getComment()
Get this SetCookie attached comment.

A String describing the reason for this SetCookie, or null.
 o setComment
 public void setComment(String comment)
Set this SetCookie attached comment.

comment - A String giving the comments attached to that SetCookie, or null to reset the value.
 o getDomain
 public String getDomain()
Get the domain to which this cookie applies.

The string encoding of the domain to which this cookie applies or null if undefined.
 o setDomain
 public void setDomain(String domain)
Define the domain for this SetCookie.

domain - The String encoded domain name to which this cookie will apply.
 o getMaxAge
 public int getMaxAge()
Get the max age value for this cookie.

A integer number of seconds giving the maximum age allowed for this cookie, or -1 if undefined.
 o setMaxAge
 public void setMaxAge(int maxage)
Set the max age value for this cookie.

maxage - The max age value for this cookie, given as a number of seconds, or -1 to reset value.
 o getPath
 public String getPath()
Get the path in which this cookie will apply.

The path to which this cookie applies, encoded as a String, or null if undefined.
 o setPath
 public void setPath(String path)
Set the path to which this SetCookie applies.

path - The path, encoded as a String.
 o getSecurity
 public boolean getSecurity()
Get the security requirement atttached to that cookie.

A boolean, true if the cookie requires special care from the client, false otherwise.
 o setSecurity
 public void setSecurity(boolean onoff)
Mark/unmark this SetCookie as requiring special security when emited back by the client.

onoff - A boolean, true if the cookie that results should be emited with special care, false otherwise.
 o getVersion
 public int getVersion()
Get the SetCookie version number.

An integer giving the version number of this cookie.
 o setVersion
 public void setVersion(int version)
Set the SetCookie version number.

version - The version number of this SetCookie.
 o setName
 public void setName(String name)
Set this SetCookie name.

name - The name of the cookie, encoded as a String.
 o getName
 public String getName()
Get this SetCookie cookie's name.

A String giving the cookie's name.
 o setValue
 public void setValue(String value)
Set this SetCookie cookie's value.

value - The value, encoded as a printable String, or null to reset the value.
 o getValue
 public String getValue()
Get the value associated with this SetCookie.

The value, encoded as a String, or null if undefined.

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