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Class w3c.www.http.HttpAcceptLanguage


public class HttpAcceptLanguage
extends BasicValue

Constructor Index

 o HttpAcceptLanguage()

Method Index

 o getLanguage()
Get this accept language clause language.
 o getQuality()
Get the quality at which this language is accepted.
 o getValue()
HeaderValue implemenntation - Get this header value.
 o invalidateByteValue()
Invalidate the current byte value for this header, if any.
 o parse()
Parse this header value into its various components.
 o setLanguage(String)
Set the language accepted by this clause.
 o setQuality(double)
Set the quality under which this language is accepted.
 o updateByteValue()
Update the RFC822 compatible header value for this object.


 o HttpAcceptLanguage
 public HttpAcceptLanguage()


 o parse
 protected void parse() throws HttpParserException
Parse this header value into its various components.

parse in class BasicValue
 o invalidateByteValue
 protected void invalidateByteValue()
Invalidate the current byte value for this header, if any.

invalidateByteValue in class BasicValue
 o updateByteValue
 protected void updateByteValue()
Update the RFC822 compatible header value for this object.

updateByteValue in class BasicValue
 o getValue
 public Object getValue()
HeaderValue implemenntation - Get this header value.

getValue in class BasicValue
 o getLanguage
 public String getLanguage()
Get this accept language clause language.

A String encoding the language token.
 o setLanguage
 public void setLanguage(String language)
Set the language accepted by this clause.

language - The accepted language.
 o getQuality
 public double getQuality()
Get the quality at which this language is accepted.

A double value, encoding the quality, or 1.0 if undefined.
 o setQuality
 public void setQuality(double quality)
Set the quality under which this language is accepted.

q - The quality for this language.

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