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Class w3c.jigsaw.http.Request


public class Request
extends HttpRequestMessage
implements HTTP
this class extends HttpRequestMessage to cope with HTTP request. One subtely here: note how each field acessor never throws an exception, but rather is provided with a default value: this is in the hope that sometime, HTTP will not require all the parsing it requires right now.

Variable Index

 o client
 o filters
 o in
 o infilters
 o internal
 o keepcon
 o original
 o parser
The URL that means * for an OPTIONS method.

Constructor Index

 o Request(Client, MimeParser)

Method Index

 o canKeepConnection()
 o getClient()
Get the client of this request.
 o getClone()
Clone this request, in order to launch an internal request.
 o getInputStream()
Get this reply entity body.
 o getOriginal()
 o getQueryString()
 o getTargetResource()
Get this request target resource.
 o getURLPath()
 o hasAccept()
 o hasAcceptEncoding()
 o hasAcceptLanguage()
 o hasAuthorization()
Does this request has some specific authorization infos.
 o hasContentLength()
 o hasContentType()
 o hasProxyAuthorization()
 o hasQueryString()
 o isInternal()
 o isProxy()
 o makeReply(int)
Make an empty Reply object matching this request version.
 o notifyEndParsing(MimeParser)
Fix the target URL of the request, this is the only good time to do so.
 o setFilters(HTTPFilter[], int)
 o setInternal(boolean)
 o setProxy(boolean)
 o setTargetResource(HTTPResource)
 o setURLPath(String)
 o unescape(String)
Unescape a HTTP escaped string


 public static URL THE_SERVER
The URL that means * for an OPTIONS method.

 o client
 protected Client client
 o parser
 protected MimeParser parser
 o in
 protected InputStream in
 o keepcon
 protected boolean keepcon
 o internal
 protected boolean internal
 o original
 protected Request original
 o filters
 protected HTTPFilter filters[]
 o infilters
 protected int infilters


 o Request
 public Request(Client client,
                MimeParser parser)


 o notifyEndParsing
 public void notifyEndParsing(MimeParser parser) throws HttpParserException, IOException
Fix the target URL of the request, this is the only good time to do so.

notifyEndParsing in class HttpMessage
 o canKeepConnection
 public boolean canKeepConnection()
 o setTargetResource
 protected void setTargetResource(HTTPResource resource)
 o getTargetResource
 public HTTPResource getTargetResource()
Get this request target resource.

An instance of HTTPResource, or null if not found.
 o setProxy
 public void setProxy(boolean onoff)
 o isProxy
 public boolean isProxy()
 o getURLPath
 public String getURLPath()
 o setURLPath
 public void setURLPath(String path)
 o hasContentLength
 public boolean hasContentLength()
 o hasContentType
 public boolean hasContentType()
 o hasAccept
 public boolean hasAccept()
 o hasAcceptEncoding
 public boolean hasAcceptEncoding()
 o hasAcceptLanguage
 public boolean hasAcceptLanguage()
 o hasAuthorization
 public boolean hasAuthorization()
Does this request has some specific authorization infos.

hasAuthorization in class HttpRequestMessage
 o hasProxyAuthorization
 public boolean hasProxyAuthorization()
 o getQueryString
 public String getQueryString()
 o hasQueryString
 public boolean hasQueryString()
 o isInternal
 public boolean isInternal()
 o setInternal
 public void setInternal(boolean onoff)
 o getOriginal
 public Request getOriginal()
 o setFilters
 protected void setFilters(HTTPFilter filters[],
                           int infilters)
 o getClone
 public HttpMessage getClone()
Clone this request, in order to launch an internal request. This method can be used to run a request in some given context, defined by an original request. It will preserve all the original information (such as authentication, etc), and will provide a clone of the original request.

The original request and its clone differ in the following way:

To run an internal request, the caller can then use the w3c.jigsaw.http.httpd perform method.

A fresh Request instance, marked as internal.
getClone in class HttpMessage
 o getInputStream
 public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException
Get this reply entity body. The reply entity body is returned as an InputStream, that the caller has to read to actually get the bytes of the content.

An InputStream instance. If the reply has no body, the returned input stream will just return -1 on first read.
 o unescape
 public static String unescape(String s)
Unescape a HTTP escaped string

s - The string to be unescaped
the unescaped string.
 o makeReply
 public Reply makeReply(int status)
Make an empty Reply object matching this request version.

status - The status of the reply.
 o getClient
 public Client getClient()
Get the client of this request.

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