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Class w3c.jigsaw.http.HTTPRuntimeException


public class HTTPRuntimeException
extends RuntimeException
HTTP runtime exception. These exeptions should be thrown whenever as a programmer you encounter an abnormal situation. These exception are guaranted to be catched, and to only kill the client (if this makes sense) that triggered it.

Constructor Index

 o HTTPRuntimeException(Object, String, String)
Create a new HTTPRuntime exception.


 o HTTPRuntimeException
 public HTTPRuntimeException(Object o,
                             String mth,
                             String msg)
Create a new HTTPRuntime exception. This is the right way to throw runtime exceptions from the http server, since it is the one that is likely to provide most usefull informations.

o - The object were the error originated.
mth - The method were the error originated.
msg - An message explaining why this error occured.

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