Details on Product css-fonts

All Issues

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There are 15 issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-287 (edit) OPEN Figure 4 - combining diacritics 2013-09-12 css-fonts 0
ISSUE-289 (edit) OPEN Blank in figure 7 2013-09-12 css-fonts 0
ISSUE-290 (edit) OPEN Case and normalization heads up 2013-09-12 css-fonts 0
ISSUE-291 (edit) OPEN Fantasy and playful 2013-09-12 css-fonts 0
ISSUE-292 (edit) OPEN Synthesised cyrillic italics 2013-09-12 css-fonts 0
ISSUE-293 (edit) OPEN Aspect value vs aspect ratio 2013-09-12 css-fonts 0
ISSUE-294 (edit) OPEN Fonts available on platforms 2013-09-12 css-fonts 0
ISSUE-295 (edit) OPEN U+ in unicode-range descriptor 2013-09-12 css-fonts 0
ISSUE-296 (edit) OPEN Usable characters in unicode-range 2013-09-12 css-fonts 0
ISSUE-297 (edit) OPEN Double slash before URI 2013-09-12 css-fonts 0
ISSUE-298 (edit) OPEN To ensure or to insure, that is the question 2013-09-12 css-fonts 0
ISSUE-299 (edit) OPEN Cluster matching 1b 2013-09-12 css-fonts 0
ISSUE-300 (edit) OPEN ja-jp too verbose 2013-09-12 css-fonts 0
ISSUE-301 (edit) OPEN Unicode reference 2013-09-12 css-fonts 0
ISSUE-288 (edit) CLOSED Letterform differences 2013-09-12 css-fonts 0

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Addison Phillips <>, Chair, Richard Ishida <>, Bert Bos <>, Fuqiao Xue <>, Atsushi Shimono <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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