Details on Product polyglot

All Issues

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There are 17 issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-17 (edit) CLOSED UTF-16 an invalid encoding in Polyglot Markup 2011-03-18 polyglot 0
ISSUE-22 (edit) CLOSED [Bug 12279] [polyglot] Add section on http-equiv and HTTP 2011-03-23 polyglot 0
ISSUE-23 (edit) CLOSED [Bug 12278] [polyglot] i18n: Make lang and xml:lang required on the root element 2011-03-23 polyglot 0
ISSUE-57 (edit) CLOSED UTF-16 BOM is required 2011-06-21 polyglot 0
ISSUE-58 (edit) CLOSED In-document declarations always useful 2011-06-21 polyglot 0
ISSUE-59 (edit) CLOSED BOM with utf-8 and/or utf-16 2011-06-21 polyglot 0
ISSUE-60 (edit) CLOSED Omit the either/or list 2011-06-21 polyglot 0
ISSUE-61 (edit) CLOSED Mention lang and xml:lang 2011-06-21 polyglot 0
ISSUE-62 (edit) CLOSED Case requirements 2011-06-21 polyglot 0
ISSUE-63 (edit) CLOSED Named entity references 2011-06-21 polyglot 0
ISSUE-64 (edit) CLOSED ployglot 2011-06-21 polyglot 0
ISSUE-72 (edit) CLOSED BOM as preferred encoding declaration 2011-07-22 polyglot 0
ISSUE-73 (edit) CLOSED Case sensitivity of lang 2011-07-22 polyglot 0
ISSUE-74 (edit) CLOSED Remove Content-Language meta from polyglot 2011-07-22 polyglot 0
ISSUE-75 (edit) CLOSED Section 11 is blank 2011-07-22 polyglot 0
ISSUE-154 (edit) CLOSED [Polyglot] "Clarify that xml:lang is optional" 2012-03-23 polyglot 0
ISSUE-165 (edit) CLOSED Add character encoding declaration to section 11 2012-07-12 polyglot 0

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Addison Phillips <>, Chair, Richard Ishida <>, Bert Bos <>, Fuqiao Xue <>, Atsushi Shimono <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: all.html,v 1.1 2023/07/19 12:02:07 carcone Exp $