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There are 26 issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-203 (edit) CLOSED Use of rel values in HTML 2013-01-14 its 0
ISSUE-204 (edit) CLOSED Use of namespaces and HTML 2013-01-14 its 0
ISSUE-205 (edit) CLOSED Examples of html markup in section 6 2013-01-14 its 0
ISSUE-206 (edit) CLOSED Scope of translate and attributes ⓟ 2013-01-14 its 0
ISSUE-207 (edit) CLOSED Term data category and dfn element 2013-01-14 its 0
ISSUE-208 (edit) CLOSED Mapping domains to nothing 2013-01-14 its 0
ISSUE-209 (edit) CLOSED Implementation commitment 2013-01-16 its 0
ISSUE-210 (edit) CLOSED Whitespace in ruby example 2013-01-16 its 0
ISSUE-211 (edit) CLOSED Quote element in HTML 2013-01-16 its 0
ISSUE-212 (edit) CLOSED HTML5 in the ITS spec 2013-01-16 its 0
ISSUE-213 (edit) CLOSED its-term in example 44 2013-01-16 its 0
ISSUE-214 (edit) CLOSED directionality should be made normative, with informative additions 2013-01-16 its 0
ISSUE-215 (edit) CLOSED Parts of Ruby section should be removed 2013-01-16 its 0
ISSUE-216 (edit) CLOSED Locale filter note 2013-01-16 its 0
ISSUE-217 (edit) CLOSED Missing support for localizable items that are not translatable 2013-01-18 its 0
ISSUE-237 (edit) CLOSED Preserve space and styling 2013-01-18 its 0
ISSUE-238 (edit) CLOSED Selecting attributes using local selection 2013-01-19 its 0
ISSUE-239 (edit) CLOSED Selecting attributes using Selectors 2013-01-19 its 0
ISSUE-240 (edit) CLOSED Bad example: Hard-coded coordinates 2013-01-19 its 0
ISSUE-241 (edit) CLOSED Directionality section doesn't mention isolates 2013-01-19 its 0
ISSUE-242 (edit) CLOSED Clarify case-insensitive match for domains 2013-01-19 its 0
ISSUE-243 (edit) CLOSED Clarify filtering algorithm for locale filters 2013-01-19 its 0
ISSUE-244 (edit) CLOSED Require recent version of Unicode 2013-01-19 its 0
ISSUE-245 (edit) CLOSED Consider replacing Unicode block escapes with script escapes 2013-01-19 its 0
ISSUE-246 (edit) CLOSED Clarify character encoding behavior when calculating storage size 2013-01-19 its 0
ISSUE-247 (edit) CLOSED Clarify interpretation of line breaks when calculating storage size 2013-01-19 its 0

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Addison Phillips <>, Chair, Richard Ishida <>, Bert Bos <>, Fuqiao Xue <>, Atsushi Shimono <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: all.html,v 1.1 2023/07/19 12:02:07 carcone Exp $