ISSUE-163: Flexbox specification needs examples using different writing modes

Flexbox specification needs examples using different writing modes

Raised by:
Norbert Lindenberg
Opened on:

The biggest internationalization issue in the Flexbox specification appears to be handling of the different writing directions used for different languages. The specification is clearly designed to support this; directions are specified abstractly in terms of the start and end, before and after directions of the current writing mode. I didn't see any issues with this in the normative text.

The examples, however, all seem to assume a left-to-right lines, top-to-bottom blocks writing mode. Since many readers won't be familiar with other writing modes, it would be helpful to have some examples showing the effect of given settings in other writing modes. In particular, example 5 should show the rendering of content with the different flex-flow settings at least with top-to-bottom lines, right-to-left blocks, maybe also in right-to-left lines, top-to-bottom blocks mode. Comments should be phrased first in abstract terms, as in the comment for the second code snippet in that example, not in concrete terms, as in the third code snippet. Example 12 should be changed to not equate "vertical flex container" with "flex-flow: column".
Related Actions Items:
No related actions
Related emails:
  1. Review of tracker issues for best practices (Part V) (from on 2015-04-09)
  2. Re: I18N-ISSUE-163: Flexbox specification needs examples using different writing modes [CSS3-flexbox] (from on 2012-07-11)
  3. Re: I18N-ISSUE-163: Flexbox specification needs examples using different writing modes [CSS3-flexbox] (from on 2012-07-11)
  4. Re: I18N-ISSUE-163: Flexbox specification needs examples using different writing modes [CSS3-flexbox] (from on 2012-07-11)
  5. Re: Comments on CSS Flexbox (from on 2012-07-11)
  6. I18N-ISSUE-163: Flexbox specification needs examples using different writing modes [CSS3-flexbox] (from on 2012-07-11)

Related notes:

Would be nice to have some more non-horizontal-tb examples, but otherwise fixed.

Richard Ishida, 2 Nov 2012, 13:24:48

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