Literal substitution

Objective: Can the UA append literal text defined using the content property?

The CSS also says: a[hreflang='ja']:after { content: " [Japanese] "; }

The following markup reads: <p class="test"><a href="sec-hreflang-style-1" hreflang="ja">link</a></p>

The next line should read "link [Japanese]":


Attribute value substitution

Objective: Can the UA pick up the attribute value using the attr() function?

The CSS says: a[hreflang]:after { content: " [" attr(hreflang) "] "; }

The following markup reads: <p class="test"><a href="sec-hreflang-style-1" hreflang="fr-CA">link</a></p>

The next line should read "link [fr-CA]":


Version: $Id: sec-hreflang-style-1.html,v 1.7 2006/04/13 18:30:36 rishida Exp $