Summarized test results:
Encoding, double-byte aliases

Intended audience:browser implementers, and anyone who wants to know whether browsers encode and decode according to the Encoding Specification indexes.

These tests check whether browsers encode and decode according to the double-byte algorithms in the Encoding Specification for each alias listed in the spec used for a given encoding.

To see the test, click on the link in the left-most column. To see detailed results for a single test, click on a row and look just above the table. The detailed results show the date(s) the test result was recorded, and the version of the browser tested.

Any dependencies are shown in notes above the table, and notes below the table will usually provide any additional useful information, including an explanation of why a result was marked as 'partially successful'.


pass fail partially successful


The small table of figures shows how the the encoder/decoder works using the preferred name for the encoding, and how many failures were counted for partial success. The rows that correspond to the tests for alias names are green if the test gives the same result as for the preferred name, and otherwise red. Differences are described in the notes below the table.

Legacy multi-byte Chinese (simplified) encodings



  1. The following table indicates how many characters were not successfully converted for the preferred encoding name. If the number differs for the aliases, it will be listed in the notes below.

      Total chars Firefox Chrome Safari Edge
    gbk-encode-form 23,939 254 79 88 80
    gbk-decode 23,939 - 79 80 80


  1. GB_2312: Safari, WebKit and Edge failed all tests for this alias.
  2. Google Canary timed out for the decoding tests, so no results are available.

Legacy multi-byte Chinese (traditional) encodings



  1. The following table indicates how many characters were not successfully converted for the preferred encoding name. If the number differs for the aliases, it will be listed in the notes below.

      Total chars Firefox Chrome Safari Edge
    big5-encode-form 14,651 1160 4 1162 1160
    big5-decode 14,358 517 - 869 869


  1. big5-hkscs: Firefox failed only 338 tests for the encoder test for this alias, rather than 1600 for the preferred name. For the decoder test, it failed only 4, rather than 517. Safari failed only 44 tests for the encoder test for this alias, rather than 1162 for the preferred name. For the decoder test, it failed only 45, rather than 1160.
  2. Google Canary timed out for the decoding tests, so no results are available.

Legacy multi-byte Japanese encodings



  1. The following table indicates how many characters were not successfully converted for the preferred encoding name. If the number differs for the aliases, it will be listed in the notes below.

      Total chars Firefox Chrome Safari Edge
    eucjp-encode-form 7,392 1 1 24 2
    eucjp-decode 13,175 - - - 5,786


  1. Google Canary timed out for the decoding tests, so no results are available.

ISO 2022-JP


  1. The following table indicates how many characters were not successfully converted for the preferred encoding name. If the number differs for the aliases, it will be listed in the notes below.

      Total chars Firefox Chrome Safari Edge
    iso2022jp-encode-form 7,329 1 374 - 3
    iso2022jp-decode 7,168 - - - -


  1. Safari form encode tests fail because Safari reacts badly to the separator used in place of the comma (the comma separator interferes with the test results). The alias test fails also, however.

Shift JIS


  1. The following table indicates how many characters were not successfully converted for the preferred encoding name. If the number differs for the aliases, it will be listed in the notes below.

      Total chars Firefox Chrome Safari Edge
    sjis-encode-form 7,393 2 1 25 2
    sjis-decode 7,391 3 3 3 3

Legacy multi-byte Korean encodings



  1. The following table indicates how many characters were not successfully converted for the preferred encoding name. If the number differs for the aliases, it will be listed in the notes below.

      Total chars Firefox Chrome Safari Edge
    euckr-encode-form 17,048 - - 270 8822
    euckr-decode 17,048 - - - -


  1. euckr-encode-form-csksc56011987: Edge passes all tests.

  2. euckr-encode-form-iso-ir-149: Edge passes all tests.

  3. euckr-encode-form-korean: Edge passes all tests.

  4. euckr-encode-form-ks_c_5601-1987: Edge passes all tests.

  5. euckr-encode-form-ks_c_5601-1989: Edge passes all tests.

  6. euckr-encode-form-ksc5601: Edge passes all tests.

  7. euckr-encode-form-ksc_5601: Edge passes all tests.

  8. windows-949: Edge fails all tests.

  9. Google Canary timed out for the decoding tests, so no results are available.