Infos for editing and the ITS 2.0 spec, version 20. June 2012. - you need to checkout everything from cvs before starting: cvs -d checkout WWW/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/its20/ replace fsasaki with your w3c user name. This should work when you have your public SSH key installed on the W3C server. Felix can help you with this. - edit only the its20.odd file. Do cvs update regularly in the its20 directory, and also cvs commit to commit your changes. - put examples for XML and HTML5 in the related subdirectories of "examples". From the its20.odd file you can create references to the example file. See e.g. examples in the section . During generating the HTML version of the spec (see below), these references are resolved and the examples are automatically included in the spec. - for generating the HTML, you need to have 1) ant installed and the files in the "tools" folder. Run the ant target "xmlspec2Html" to generate an editor's copy ant xmlspec2Html and "xmlspec2TrHtml" to generate the W3C technical reports layout version ant xmlspec2TrHtml or "clean" to delete temporary files: ant clean - during editing, run the ant target "validateOdd" regularly. That will make sure that your odd file is OK. - in case of trouble, write to "Jirka Kosek" or "Felix Sasaki" , very likely they will be able to help.