ITS headings and blue text

When Designing an XML Application

* Providing xml:lang to specify Defining markup for natural language contentlabelling
Provide a way for authors to specify the natural language of content using ITS markup, or document equivalent legacy markup in an ITS Rules document.

* Providing a wayDefining markup to specify text directionality
Provide a way for authors to specify the direction of text using ITS markup, or document equivalent legacy markup in an ITS Rules document.

* Avoiding translatable attribute s values
Do not put translatable text in attributesDo not define attribute values that will contain user readable content. Use elements for such content.

* Indicating which elements and attributes should be translated
Document in an ITS Rules document whatwhich elements and attributes need to be translated, and which do not, when this differs from the ITS defaults..

* Providing a wayDefining markup to override translate information
Provide a way for authors to override translate informationdefaults, using ITS markup, or document equivalent legacy markup in an ITS Rules document.

* Providing information related to text segmentation-related information
Document in an ITS Rules document how elements should be handled with regard to segmentation.

* Providing a way to specifyDefining markup for ruby text
Provide a way for authors to specifymark up ruby text using ITS markup, or document equivalent legacy markup in an ITS Rules document.

* Providing a way to specifyDefining markup for notes for localizers
Provide a way for authors to specify notes for localizers using ITS markup, or document equivalent legacy markup in an ITS Rules document.

* Providing a way to specifyDefining markup for unique identifiers
Provide a way for authors to assign unique identifiers to localizable elements.

* Identifying terminology-related elements
Document in an ITS Rules document what elements are related to terms and term-related information

* Providing a way to specify or overrideDefining markup for specifying or overriding terminology-related information
Provide a way for authors to specify or override terminology-related information using ITS markup, or document equivalent legacy markup in an ITS Rules document.

* Using Defining multilingual documents with caution
Avoid document formats that store translations of content within the same document.

* Naming elements and attributes with caution
Use a meaningful and non-dynamic naming scheme for your elements and attributes.

* Providing a Defining a span-like element for your schema
Provide a way for authors to annotate arbitrary content using its:span or similar markup.

* Documenting the ITS-related features of your schema
Provide an ITS Rules document containing all the ITS rules needed to process documentsinterpret legacy markup, and identify translate and text segmentation information in your format.

When Authoring XML Content

* Specifying the language of the content
Specify the natural language of your content using xml:lang, or a similar mechanism provided by your document format.

* Specifying text directionality if needed
Use dedicated markup to specify the directionality of your text content.

* Overriding translatability informationabout what should be translatedif needed
Use available markup to sSpecify any content where translatability the choice to translate or not is different from the default for your schema.

* Assigning unique identifiers to elements with translatable content
Assign a unique identifier to elements with translatable content.

* Avoiding CDATA sections when possible
Avoid using CDATA sections in translatablefor content that will be translated.

* Providing notes for localizers
Use dedicated markup to pProvide notes where you can provide useful informationfor the localizer where they are useful.

* Ensuring that anyWorking with inserted text is context-independent
Make sure that any piece of inserted text is grammatically independent of its surrounding context.

* Identifying terms
Make sureUse dedicated markup to identify any terminology-related content.

* Avoiding including markup in escaped form
Avoid storing markup in escaped form in your documents.

Version: $Id: temp.html,v 1.3 2007/12/03 14:31:53 rishida Exp $