(no subject)

Rod Patillo (real_bc@haven.uniserve.com)
Wed, 15 Mar 1995 02:35:19 -0800

Hello I have gained much enjoyment from your location on the web and the
options you provide. In fact I have your page book marked on my system.

I also have a spot a the net called REAL B.C.
REAL B.C. features exceptional real estate listings throughout British
Columbia Canada. I am extremely choice about the properties that I feature.
The vast majority of the properties are ones that I feel have a global
appeal. Most of the properties are large acreages, ranches, resorts, farms,
equestrian centres, and commercial properties.

my service is a new one and it is here to stay. I have developed an
excellent reputation over the years as a Top Realtor in the field of high
level province wide real estate. I advertise widely licking myself to my
magazine ACREAGE B.C. and now to my new web site REAL B.C.

I expect that my web site will be visited regularly by a great number of
people. My web site offer a page of jump button so that my visitor can
quickly jump to other interesting locations on the web.

could you please index my site on your page so that your visitors can jump
from your site to mine.
"REAL B.C." exceptional real estate throughout British Columbia
In return I will provide a jump button form my page to yours.

Thank You
Rod Patillo