Price List for CERN WWW Software

Price list

Software is available through network access, there is no other distribution method.

Prices are in ECU or kECU (=1000 ECU).


  executable binary of the Editor/Browser
   for NeXT workstations:                       50 ECU per workstation.

  source code of the Editor/Browser for NeXT
   workstations:                                50 kECU per site.

  executable binary of the Browser for Apple
   Macintosh computers:                         50 ECU per workstation.

  source code of the Browser for Apple
   Macintosh computers:                         50 kECU per site.


  executable binary for Gateway to W.A.I.S.
   (Wide Area Information Services): all platforms,         50 ECU.

  source code for Gateway to W.A.I.S.
   (Wide Area Information Services): all platforms,         50 kECU.

  executable binary for VMS Help
   (to DEC VAX/VMS help system):                            50 ECU.

  source code for VMS Help (to DEC VAX/VMS help system):    50 kECU.