HEP and CERN Member State Conditions

Special Condition

This does not apply to software placed in the public domain.

CERN developed software is free to the High Energy Physics community throughout the world and to academic institutes of the CERN member states .

Programs and documentation are provided solely for the use of the organization to which they are distributed, and may not be redistributed or reproduced in large numbers without the express agreement of CERN. Note that such agreement may have to be established somewhere else in addition to or instead of CERN in the case of programs originating from sources outside CERN. The material cannot be sold. CERN should be given credit in all references, library documentation, and publications based on the programs.

If the programs are modified beyond what is necessary to adapt them to the local machine/system environment, it should be made clear in local documentation that they are locally modified versions of the CERN originals. CERN should be informed of such modifications, and given the possibility of introducing the same modifications in the original version. If local modifications are so important as to change significantly the behaviour of the program, its name should also be changed in order to avoid confusion with the original.