HTML Writing Guidelines

These are things to watch out for to make sure your data can be parsed by standard implementations.

Text Elements

nesting errors


34 character max.

Normal Text Content

Use entities for all <, > and & characters. @@@ Latin 1 characters? comment: The sample implementation groks. For copyrights, RCS keywords, etc.

processing instruction: If you've _got_ to stick TeX macros or something in there, use this. The sample implementation won't even tell you it's there, though.

Literal Text Content

Try to use as few entities as possible in Literal mode: only treat '<' followed by '/', & followed by a letter or '#', and > when it follows ]] as entites. Old-style clients will display markup in an RCDATA section as data. <!-- this would be a comment in PCDATA. It's data in RCDATA. --> <! this would be an markup delcaration, which would be an error in PCDATA. It's data in RCDATA.> <start> tags are fine! & as long as it's not followed by a letter or '#', it's fine! &# is even ok, unless it's followed by a letter or a number.

Other Elements


Keep the title short and free of <, >, and & characters. No newlines.


Thou shalt quote thy URLs. Use NAMEs that start with a letter. Remember: 34 chars max.