US Trip 92

I spent a month based at M.I.T. and generally on the East Coast, a week at Fermilab , two days at the 24th IETF , and will spend a month based at Xerox PARC.

I have tended to spend about 4 hours a day reading mail at CERN (and answering some of it!) and writing this trip report as I go along. The report (follow links above) is full of details which were relevant at the time, and it is great to have had comments on it (also in hypertext) while I am still here. It may seem very tedious later on!

Ruth Pordes of FNAL Tony Osborne of CERN/CN, Karen Sollins of MIT, and Larry masinter of Xerox PARC and their managers and colleagues made this long trip possible and I am very much indebted to them. I am also very grateful to the rest of the W3 team at CERN for filling in for me and for support over the net.