Configuring your mail files

Here are a few things necessary for the proper working of the mail at CERN. The files are all in the directory /etc/sendmail/.


If you don't log in as root much, you may way to change in the aliases file the alias of "Postmaster" from "root" to your login name.

Configuration file.

This seems to be fine as delivered from NeXT, so long as you never turn your machine off (and the sendmail daemon does not stop due to an error such as an overloaded machine). If you do turn your machine off, the mail gateway machines will get clogged with any mail sent to you in your absence, which is not what they were designed for. The default configuration works because it looks up the name "mailhost" in the name server whose address you have already defined using the NetManager.

If you have a large number of workstations, however, then you should set up one of them as a mail server. In this case, that machine will buffer mail for any of its clients which are not running when the mail comes in. You should in this case talk to Maria about how to edit the (using as a template perhaps) on the server machine.

(See mail from Maria dimou )


Tim BL