Tracker summary for Nikos Andronikos

SVG Working Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 10 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-3829 (edit) open Clarify that getbbox on tspan/textpath includes only that element's glyphs, but that objectboundingbox values still are computed relative to the entire text element Nikos Andronikos 2016-01-21
ACTION-3841 (edit) open Update table in render chapter to include overflow behaviour for text Nikos Andronikos 2016-04-29
ACTION-3846 (edit) open Look at github issue #103 on monday Nikos Andronikos 2016-06-16
ACTION-3848 (edit) open Update switch prose to make it conditional display Nikos Andronikos 2016-07-28
ACTION-3849 (edit) open File issue on css transforms Nikos Andronikos 2016-07-28
ACTION-3852 (edit) open Make edits to svg 2 to remove things going to css fill and stroke Nikos Andronikos 2016-08-11
ACTION-3854 (edit) open Prepare a blurb for front page news Nikos Andronikos 2016-08-11
ACTION-3856 (edit) open Add stub chapters Nikos Andronikos 2016-08-18
ACTION-3862 (edit) open Move svg mime type issue to wicg Nikos Andronikos 2016-11-03
ACTION-3865 (edit) open Add clarification for svgelement.classname Nikos Andronikos 2016-12-29

Open Issues

There are 0 open issues listed in the system.

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 53489.html,v 1.1 2020/01/17 13:23:17 carcone Exp $