raster image of animate-elem-83-t.svg

Operator script (click here to toggle)

Pass Criteria

The test consists of six sub-tests. In each sub-test, the light gray filled path must continously morph its shape, starting one second after the document load and continuing for three seconds. In all sub-tests except for #3, there are two orange reference shape outlines between which the gray path must morph. In sub-test #3, there are three reference shapes. The test passes if each of the gray shapes morphs appropriately according to the following descriptions:

  1. The gray shape must morph from the diamond to the flower-like shape.
  2. The gray shape must morph just like sub-test #1, from the diamond to the flower-like shape.
  3. The gray shape must morph from the diamond, to the flower-like shape, and then to the large, rounded diamond shape.
  4. The gray shape must morph from the lower-right pointing kite shape to the upper-left pointing kite shape.
  5. The gray shape must morph from the tall shape to the wide shape.
  6. The gray shape must morph from the wide "D" shape to the narrow "D" shape.

In addition, during the animations whenever the gray shape has the same shape as a reference shape, the stroke of the reference shape must be shown thicker momentarily.