
raster image of paint-stroke-205-t

Stroking for subpaths with path length zero, depending on stroke-linecap.

The main indication for a failed test is the appearence of something red (this simple indication may fail itself, if the viewer does not support stroke-linecap).

Several paths containing a subpath with length zero are stroked and some of them animated.

The zero length subpath is placed between two other subpaths of finite length or before or after a subpath of finite length or in one case the path consists of two subpaths of length zero. The behaviour is checked for stroke-linecap round, square (subpath visible) and bevel (subpath not visible) on the left.

On the right the behaviour is tested with simple animations to check the correct alignment or shrinking to zero length. stroke-linecap is animated between round or square too for some of them.

The behaviour is compared with similar paths with a subpath of a very small length. Because the red stroked paths have a slightly smaller stroke, they are always covered by blue paths. If something red gets visible, an error is occured.