SVG Conformance Test Suite --
Release Notes for First BE Release

Date: 08 June, 2000


The SVG working group has finished building a substantial subset of the Basic Effectivity (BE) level of an SVG conformance test suite. This is the first publication of those tests. This release contains 70 BE tests, which span a signficant part of the functionality of the SVG specification.


  1. The tests in this release conform to the 3 March 2000 SVG Working Draft:
  2. The definitive reference on the principles and structure of the test suite, as well as the conventions and specific methods for building and maintaining the tests, is the Manual.

Release Contents

The entire test suite release is contained in the zip file, Unzipping this will result in:

  1. pub-release-list.html
  2. 70 SVG test files, 70 PNG reference images, and 70 XML description files.
  3. a few extra SVG, as well as PNG and JPEG files, used for support of some of the tests.

#1 contains a listing of the test case names contained in this release, along with some additional information as described in the document: serial number (individual test versioning control); review status; and any known deviations of the test from the conventions and criteria of ...(link/ref to the Manual)...

#4 and #5 provide linked navigation pages for viewing the test suite.

Viewing the Test Suite

Unpack the HTML Navigation Pages

Unzipping will result in:

H1: toc.html;

H2: 70 HTML navigation pages named identically to the test cases;

H3: two files for making #H2:

Unpack the SVG Navigation Pages

Unzipping will result in:

S1: toc-sv.svg;

S2: 70 SVG navigation pages named identically to the test cases;

S3: two files for making #S2:

  • CreateSVGharness.xslt
  • make-all-svg.bat


View the file toc.html in a browser. You will see the chapter names of the SVG spec (20000303 draft), each linked to the first test of each chapter.

When you view a test, you will see the PNG reference image, a navigation bar, and the Operator Script for the test -- description of the test purpose and intended results.

Simultaneously, you should direct an SVG viewer (or browser plug-in) to toc-sv.svg (in a second window). This is a table of contents written in SVG, linked identically to the HTML version. Each page in this linked set contains a navigation bar, and is otherwise empty except for an SVG 'image' element which references the actual SVG file for the test case.

If the SVG viewer supports this functionality, you should be able to navigate the suite in two windows side by side, with the reference image and description in one, and the rendered SVG content in the other.

Caveat about Viewer Limitations

If the viewer does not yet support the 'image' element, as is the case with a number of current viewers, then for each test case:

Customizing the Harnesses and Navigation Pages

The navigation harness sets of H2 and S2 above are generated with the tools supplied in H3 and S3 respectively. These tools are included on "user beware" basis, and are not to be considered a supported part of this test suite release.

The key component are the stylesheets:

If one uses an XSLT engine to apply these to the XML description file for a test case, the result is an HTML navigation page (with operator script text included) and an SVG navigation page. The two batch files use the XT tool (of James Clark) to generate the entire set of HTML and SVG navigation pages.

Example. In the stylesheet CreateHTMLharness.xslt, there is some commented-out code which will produce an alternate HTML page with the PNG side-by-side with rendered SVG (assuming an SVG plug-in is installed), via the non-standard 'embed' tag. If you decomment that code, delete the preceding PNG-only equivalent, and execute make-all-html.bat (assuming XT is available), then you will generate an entire set of alternate HTML navigation pages which show PNG plus rendered SVG together.

Comments and Contributions

Comments are welcome, and should be directed to: