Installing CERN Server

VMS note: There are special instructions if you are installing under VMS.

Getting the Program

CERN server distribution is available from anonymous ftp account. Often you don't need to compile the server yourself, precompiled versions can be found under directory /pub/www/bin (in the subdirectory corresponding your machine architecture).

If there is no precompiled version for your platform, of if it doesn't work (e.g. your machine doesn't use NIS, but the binary was linked with a library using NIS), you may need to get the source code. In that case you need both the WWW Common library and the Daemon distribution from the /pub/www/src directory. In this case, see compilation instructions.


In Unix you can run the server either as stand-alone, or from Internet Daemon (inetd).

A stand-alone server is typically started once at system-boot time. It waits for incoming connections, and forks itself to serve a request. This is much faster than letting inetd spawn httpd every time a request comes. We therefore recommend that you run CERN httpd in stand-alone mode.

Stand-alone Installation

A stand-alone server is started from the bootstrap command file (for example /etc/rc.local) so that it runs continuously like the sendmail daemon, for example.

This method has the advantage over using the inetd that the response time is reduced.

Add a line starting httpd to your system startup file (usually /etc/rc.local or /etc/rc). Specify the port with -p command line option:

    /usr/etc/httpd -p 80 &
(Ampersand is no longer needed in versions 2.15 and newer - httpd goes background automatically when -p option is specified. Or a little more safely in case httpd is removed:
    if [ -f /usr/etc/httpd ]; then
        (/usr/etc/httpd -p 80 && (echo -n ' httpd') ) & >/dev/console
Naturally you can use any of the other command line options, too.

Registering Your Server

Once you have your httpd up and running, and you have documents to show the word, announce your server, so that others can find it.

If It Doesn't Work...

...first see the debugging chart and the FAQ. If you can't figure out what's going wrong, feel free to send mail to