Firewall Gateways (Proxies)

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Setting Up Clients To Use Proxy

Clients can be set up to connect to the outside world through firewall gateways by setting the following environment variables: to URLs of a cern_httpd running as a gateway.

Example of a Script Starting a Client

    export http_proxy
    export ftp_proxy
    export gopher_proxy
    export wais_proxy
    exec Mosaic
Synonyms for these variables are:

Setting Up cern_httpd To Run as Proxy

Server runs as a proxy if its configuration file allows URLs starting with corresponding access method to be passed. Typical proxy configuration file reads:
    pass http:*
    pass ftp:*
    pass gopher:*
    pass wais:*
Note, that cern_httpd is capable of running as a regular HTTP server at the same time; just add your normal rules after those ones.


cern_httpd running as a gateway can also perform caching of files retrieved from remote hosts. See configuration file documentation for further details.