CERN Server 2.15 User Guide

If you are still using 2.14 or older, please upgrade. If you insist on running the old version, or if you are a VMS user, refer to the old documentation.

For VMS users, see Foteos Macrides' <> modifications to VMS version 2.14.

CERN WWW Server (httpd, hypertext transfer protocol daemon) is a full featured server for serving files, real or synthesized, running scripts to produce virtual documents, to handle clickable images, fill-out forms, and searches etc. CERN server can also be run as a gateway to allow people behind firewalls to use the Web as if the firewall was not present.

httpd is a general server program which runs WWW protocol, HTTP. This is a TCP/IP based protocol running by convention on port 80.

In This Guide...

The steps necessary to install CERN server.
How to set up document protection, index search, clickable images, server-side scripts, ...