/* TCP/IP based server for HyperText HTDaemon.c ** --------------------------------- ** ** ** Compilation options: ** RULES If defined, use rule file and translation table ** DIR_OPTIONS If defined, -d options control directory access ** ** Authors: ** TBL Tim Berners-Lee, CERN ** JFG Jean-Francois Groff, CERN ** JS Jonathan Streets, FNAL ** ** History: ** Sep 91 TBL Made from earlier daemon files. (TBL) ** 26 Feb 92 JFG Bug fixes for Multinet. ** 8 Jun 92 TBL Bug fix: Perform multiple reads in case we don't get ** the whole command first read. ** 25 Jun 92 JFG Added DECNET option through TCP socket emulation. ** 6 Jan 93 TBL Plusses turned to spaces between keywords ** 7 Jan 93 JS Bug fix: addrlen had not been set for accept() call */ /* (c) CERN WorldWideWeb project 1990-1992. See Copyright.html for details */ /* Module parameters: ** ----------------- ** ** These may be undefined and redefined by syspec.h */ #define LISTEN_BACKLOG 2 /* Number of pending connect requests (TCP)*/ #define MAX_CHANNELS 20 /* Number of channels we will keep open */ #define WILDCARD '*' /* Wildcard used in addressing */ #define FIRST_TCP_PORT 5000 /* When using dynamic allocation */ #define LAST_TCP_PORT 5999 #ifndef RULE_FILE #define RULE_FILE "/etc/httpd.conf" #endif #include "HTUtils.h" #include "tcp.h" /* The whole mess of include files */ #include "HTTCP.h" /* Some utilities for TCP */ #ifdef RULES /* Use rules? */ #include "HTRules.h" #endif #ifdef DIR_OPTIONS #include "HTDirRead.h" #endif #ifdef __STDC__ extern int HTRetrieve(char * arg, char * keywords, int soc); /* Handle one request */ #else extern int HTRetrieve(); /* Handle one request */ #endif /* Module-Global Variables ** ----------------------- */ PRIVATE enum role_enum {master, slave, transient, passive} role; PRIVATE SockA soc_address; PRIVATE int soc_addrlen; PRIVATE int master_soc; /* inet socket number to listen on */ PRIVATE int com_soc; /* inet socket number to read on */ #ifdef SELECT PRIVATE fd_set open_sockets; /* Mask of channels which are active */ PRIVATE int num_sockets; /* Number of sockets to scan */ #endif PRIVATE BOOLEAN dynamic_allocation; /* Search for port? */ /* Program-Global Variables ** ------------------------ */ PUBLIC int WWW_TraceFlag; /* Control flag for diagnostics */ PUBLIC char * log_file_name = 0;/* Log file name if any (WAIS code) */ extern char * HTClientHost; /* in library or HTRetrieve */ extern FILE * logfile; /* Log file if any */ #define SPACE(c) ((c==' ')||(c=='\t')||(c=='\n')||(c=='\r')) /* DMX */ #ifdef OLD_CODE /* Strip white space off a string ** ** On exit, ** Return value points to first non-white character, or to 0 if none. ** All trailing white space is overwritten with zero. */ PRIVATE char * strip ARGS1(char *, s) { char * p=s; for(p=s;*p;p++); /* Find end of string */ for(p--;p>=s;p--) { if(SPACE(*p)) *p=0; /* Zap trailing blanks */ else break; } while(SPACE(*s))s++; /* Strip leading blanks */ return s; } #endif /* Split fields ** ** On entry, ** s points to string with words or quoted strings as fields ** separated by white space ** On exit, ** Return value points to first char os second word or NULL if none. ** Fisrt word is null-terminated. ** All trailing white space is overwritten with zero. */ PRIVATE char * next_field ARGS1(char *, s) { while(SPACE(*s))s++; /* skip leading blanks */ switch(*s) { case '"': case '\'': s = strchr(s, *s); /* skip quoted word */ if (!s) return s; /* No closing quote! */ s++; /* Skip closing quote */ break; default: while(*s && !SPACE(*s)) s++; /* skip word */ } if (!*s) return (char*)0; /* Only one word */ *s++ = (char)0; /* terminate first word */ while(SPACE(*s))s++; /* skip leading blanks */ if (!*s) return (char*)0; /* No second word */ return s; } /* Send a string down a socket ** --------------------------- ** ** The trailing zero is not sent. ** There is a maximum string length. */ PUBLIC int HTWriteASCII ARGS2(int, soc, char *, s) { #ifdef NOT_ASCII char * p; char ascii[255]; char *q = ascii; for (p=s; *p; p++) { *q++ = TOASCII(*p); } return NETWRITE(soc, ascii, p-s); #else return NETWRITE(soc, s, strlen(s)); #endif } /* Bind to a TCP port ** ------------------ ** ** On entry, ** tsap is a string explaining where to take data from. ** "" means data is taken from stdin. ** "*:1729" means "listen to anyone on port 1729" ** ** On exit, ** returns Negative value if error. */ int do_bind ARGS1(CONST char *, tsap) { #ifdef SELECT FD_ZERO(&open_sockets); /* Clear our record of open sockets */ num_sockets = 0; #endif /* Deal with PASSIVE socket: ** ** A passive TSAP is one which has been created by the inet daemon. ** It is indicated by a void TSAP name. In this case, the inet ** daemon has started this process and given it, as stdin, the connection ** which it is to use. */ if (*tsap == 0) { /* void tsap => passive */ dynamic_allocation = FALSE; /* not dynamically allocated */ role = passive; /* Passive: started by daemon */ #ifdef vms { unsigned short channel; /* VMS I/O channel */ struct string_descriptor { /* This is NOT a proper descriptor*/ int size; /* but it will work. */ char *ptr; /* Should be word,byte,byte,long */ } sys_input = {10, "SYS$INPUT:"}; int status; /* Returned status of assign */ extern int sys$assign(); status = sys$assign(&sys_input, &channel, 0, 0); com_soc = channel; /* The channel is stdin */ CTRACE(tfp, "IP: Opened PASSIVE socket %d\n", channel); return 1 - (status&1); } #else com_soc = 0; /* The channel is stdin */ CTRACE(tfp, "IP: PASSIVE socket 0 assumed from inet daemon\n"); return 0; /* Good */ #endif /* Parse the name (if not PASSIVE) */ } else { /* Non-void TSAP */ char *p; /* pointer to string */ char *q; struct hostent *phost; /* Pointer to host - See netdb.h */ char buffer[256]; /* One we can play with */ register SockA * sin = &soc_address; strcpy(buffer, tsap); p = buffer; /* Set up defaults: */ #ifdef DECNET sin->sdn_family = AF_DECnet; /* Family = DECnet, host order */ sin->sdn_objnum = 0; /* Default: new object number, */ #else /* Internet */ sin->sin_family = AF_INET; /* Family = internet, host order */ sin->sin_port = 0; /* Default: new port, */ #endif dynamic_allocation = TRUE; /* dynamically allocated */ role = passive; /* by default */ /* Check for special characters: */ if (*p == WILDCARD) { /* Any node */ role = master; p++; } /* Strip off trailing port number if any: */ for(q=p; *q; q++) if (*q==':') { int status; *q++ = 0; /* Terminate node string */ #ifdef DECNET sin->sdn_objnum = (unsigned char) HTCardinal( &status, &q, (unsigned int)65535); #else sin->sin_port = htons((unsigned short)HTCardinal( &status, &q, (unsigned int)65535)); if (status<0) return status; #endif if (*q) return -2; /* Junk follows port number */ dynamic_allocation = FALSE; break; /* Exit from loop before we skip the zero */ } /*if*/ /* Get node name: */ #ifdef DECNET /* Empty address (don't care about the command) */ sin->sdn_add.a_addr[0] = 0; sin->sdn_add.a_addr[1] = 0; CTRACE(tfp, "Daemon: Parsed address as port %d, DECnet %d.%d\n", (int) sin->sdn_objnum, (int) sin->sdn_add.a_addr[0], (int) sin->sdn_add.a_addr[1] ) ; #else if (*p == 0) { sin->sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; /* Default: any address */ } else if (*p>='0' && *p<='9') { /* Numeric node address: */ sin->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(p); /* See arpa/inet.h */ } else { /* Alphanumeric node name: */ phost=gethostbyname(p); /* See netdb.h */ if (!phost) { CTRACE(tfp, "IP: Can't find internet node name `%s'.\n",p); return HTInetStatus("gethostbyname"); /* Fail? */ } memcpy(&sin->sin_addr, phost->h_addr, phost->h_length); } CTRACE(tfp, "Daemon: Parsed address as port %d, inet %d.%d.%d.%d\n", (int)ntohs(sin->sin_port), (int)*((unsigned char *)(&sin->sin_addr)+0), (int)*((unsigned char *)(&sin->sin_addr)+1), (int)*((unsigned char *)(&sin->sin_addr)+2), (int)*((unsigned char *)(&sin->sin_addr)+3)); #endif } /* scope of p */ /* Master socket for server: */ if (role == master) { /* Create internet socket */ #ifdef DECNET master_soc = socket(AF_DECnet, SOCK_STREAM, 0); #else master_soc = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); #endif if (master_soc<0) return HTInetStatus("socket"); CTRACE(tfp, "IP: Opened socket number %d\n", master_soc); /* If the port number was not specified, then we search for a free one. */ #ifndef DECNET /* irrelevant: no inetd */ if (dynamic_allocation) { unsigned short try; for (try=FIRST_TCP_PORT; try<=LAST_TCP_PORT; try++) { soc_address.sin_port = htons(try); if (bind(master_soc, (struct sockaddr*)&soc_address, /* Cast to generic sockaddr */ sizeof(soc_address)) == 0) break; if (try == LAST_TCP_PORT) return HTInetStatus("bind"); } CTRACE(tfp, "IP: Bound to port %d.\n", ntohs(soc_address.sin_port)); } else #endif { /* Port was specified */ if (bind(master_soc, (struct sockaddr*)&soc_address, /* Cast to generic address */ sizeof(soc_address))<0) return HTInetStatus("bind"); } if (listen(master_soc, LISTEN_BACKLOG)<0) return HTInetStatus("listen"); CTRACE(tfp, "Daemon: Master socket(), bind() and listen() all OK\n"); #ifdef SELECT FD_SET(master_soc, &open_sockets); if ((master_soc+1) > num_sockets) num_sockets=master_soc+1; #endif return master_soc; } /* if master */ return -1; /* unimplemented role */ } /* do_bind */ /* Handle one message ** ------------------ ** ** On entry, ** soc A file descriptor for input and output. ** On exit, ** returns >0 Channel is still open. ** 0 End of file was found, please close file ** <0 Error found, please close file. */ PUBLIC int HTHandle ARGS1(int, soc) { #define COMMAND_SIZE 2048 /* @@@@ WAIS queries can be big! */ #define MINIMUM_READ 256 /* Minimum size of buffer left before we reallocate */ #define ALLOCATION_UNIT 2048 /* Amount extra we add on each time */ char *command; /* To hold command read from client */ char *keywords; /* pointer to keywords in address */ int status; char * arg; /* Pointer to the argument string */ time_t theTime; /* A long integer giving the datetime in secs */ for (;;) { int allocated = COMMAND_SIZE; int bytes_read = 0; command = (char *)malloc(allocated+1); if (!command) { fprintf(stderr, "Daemon: insufficient memory!\n"); exit(-5); } for(;;) { /* Loop over reads on the same socket */ if (allocated - bytes_read < MINIMUM_READ) { allocated = allocated + ALLOCATION_UNIT; command = (char *)realloc(command, allocated+1); if (!command) { fprintf(stderr, "Daemon: No memory to reallocate command buffer!!\n"); exit(-6); } } status = NETREAD(soc, command + bytes_read, allocated - bytes_read); if (TRACE) fprintf(stderr, "Daemon: net read returned %d, errno=%d\n", status, errno); if (status<=0) { free(command); return status; /* Return and close file */ } { char * p = command + bytes_read; for(p=command + bytes_read; p < command + bytes_read + status; p++) { if (!*p) { free(command); return -1; /* No LF */ } if (*p==10) { break; } } bytes_read = bytes_read + status; if (p == command+bytes_read)/* No terminators yet */ continue; } break;/* Terminator found */ } command[bytes_read]=0; /* terminate the string */ #ifdef NOT_ASCII { char * p; for (p=command; *p; p++) { *p = FROMASCII(*p); if (*p == '\n') *p = ' '; } } #endif /* Log the call: */ if (logfile) { time(&theTime); fprintf(logfile, "%24.24s %s %s", ctime(&theTime), HTClientHost, command); fflush(logfile); /* Actually update it on disk */ if (TRACE) printf("Log: %24.24s %s %s", ctime(&theTime), HTClientHost, command); } arg=next_field(command); if (arg) { char * protocol = next_field(arg); int stat; if (protocol) (void) next_field(protocol); /* Strip trailing space */ /* Handle command */ if (0==strcmp("GET", command)) { /* Get a document */ keywords=strchr(arg, '?'); if (keywords) { *keywords++ = 0; /* Chop keywords off */ if (!*keywords) keywords = NULL; else { char *p = keywords; while ((p = strchr(p, '+')) != 0) *p = ' '; /* Plusses to spaces */ } } if (protocol) { HTWriteASCII(soc, "200 Document follows\r\n"); /* Insert HTTP2 headers here */ HTWriteASCII(soc, "\r\n"); /* Blank line */ } stat = HTRetrieve(arg, keywords, soc); free(command); return stat; } } /* Space found supplied */ HTWriteASCII(soc, "599 Unrecognised method in `"); HTWriteASCII(soc, command); HTWriteASCII(soc, "'.\r\n"); if (TRACE) fprintf(stderr, "HTDaemon: Unrecognised method `%s'\n", command); free(command); return 0; /* End of file - please close socket */ } /* for */ } /* handle */ /* Handle incoming messages server_loop() ** ------------------------- ** ** On entry: ** ** timeout -1 for infinite, 0 for poll, else in units of 10ms ** ** On exit, ** returns The status of the operation, <0 if failed. ** */ #ifdef __STDC__ PRIVATE int server_loop(void) #else PRIVATE int server_loop() #endif { int tcp_status; /* <0 if error, in general */ int timeout = -1; /* No timeout required but code exists */ for(;;) { /* If it's a master socket, then find a slave: */ if (role == master) { #ifdef SELECT fd_set read_chans; fd_set write_chans; fd_set except_chans; int nfound; /* Number of ready channels */ struct timeval max_wait; /* timeout in form for select() */ FD_ZERO(&write_chans); /* Clear the write mask */ FD_ZERO(&except_chans); /* Clear the exception mask */ /* If timeout is required, the timeout structure is set up. Otherwise ** (timeout<0) a zero is passed instead of a pointer to the struct timeval. */ if (timeout>=0) { max_wait.tv_sec = timeout/100; max_wait.tv_usec = (timeout%100)*10000; } for (com_soc=(-1); com_soc<0;) { /* Loop while connections keep coming */ /* The read mask expresses interest in the master channel for incoming ** connections) or any slave channel (for incoming messages). */ /* Wait for incoming connection or message */ read_chans = open_sockets; /* Read on all active channels */ if (TRACE) printf( "Daemon: Waiting for connection or message. (Mask=%x hex, max=%x hex).\n", *(unsigned int *)(&read_chans), (unsigned int)num_sockets); nfound=select(num_sockets, &read_chans, &write_chans, &except_chans, timeout >= 0 ? &max_wait : 0); if (nfound<0) return HTInetStatus("select()"); if (nfound==0) return 0; /* Timeout */ /* We give priority to existing connected customers. When there are ** no outstanding commands from them, we look for new customers. */ /* If a message has arrived on one of the channels, take that channel: */ { int i; for(i=0; i=0) break; /* Found input socket */ } /* block */ /* If an incoming connection has arrived, accept the new socket: */ if (FD_ISSET(master_soc, &read_chans)) { soc_addrlen = sizeof(soc_address); /* JS 930107 */ CTRACE(tfp, "Daemon: New incoming connection:\n"); tcp_status = accept(master_soc, (struct sockaddr *)&soc_address, &soc_addrlen); if (tcp_status<0) return HTInetStatus("accept"); CTRACE(tfp, "Daemon: Accepted new socket %d\n", tcp_status); FD_SET(tcp_status, &open_sockets); if ((tcp_status+1) > num_sockets) num_sockets=tcp_status+1; } /* end if new connection */ } /* loop on event */ #else /* SELECT not supported */ /* if (com_soc<0) { /* No slaves: must accept */ SockA peer_soc; int peer_len = sizeof (peer_soc); CTRACE(tfp, "Daemon: Waiting for incoming connection...\n"); #ifdef DECNET tcp_status = accept(master_soc, &peer_soc, &peer_len); #else /* For which machine is this ??? rsoc is undeclared, what's mdp ? */ tcp_status = accept(master_soc, &rsoc->mdp.soc_tcp.soc_address, &rsoc->mdp.soc_tcp.soc_addrlen); #endif if (tcp_status<0) return HTInetStatus("accept"); com_soc = tcp_status; /* socket number */ CTRACE(tfp, "Daemon: Accepted socket %d\n", tcp_status); /* } /* end if no slaves */ #endif } /* end if master */ /* com_soc is now valid for read */ { SockA addr; int namelen = sizeof(addr); char ip_address[16]; #ifdef DECNET StrAllocCopy(HTClientHost, "DecnetClient"); /* TBD */ #else getpeername(com_soc, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &namelen); strncpy(ip_address, inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr), sizeof(ip_address)); StrAllocCopy(HTClientHost, ip_address); #endif } /* Read the message now on whatever channel there is: */ CTRACE(tfp,"Daemon: Reading socket %d from host %s\n", com_soc, HTClientHost); tcp_status=HTHandle(com_soc); if(tcp_status<=0) { /* EOF or error */ if (tcp_status<0) { /* error */ CTRACE(tfp, "Daemon: Error %d handling incoming message (errno=%d).\n", tcp_status, errno); /* DONT return HTInetStatus("netread"); error */ } else { CTRACE(tfp, "Daemon: Socket %d disconnected by peer\n", com_soc); } if (role==master) { NETCLOSE(com_soc); #ifdef SELECT FD_CLR(com_soc, &open_sockets); #endif } else { /* Not multiclient mode */ #ifdef VM return -69; #else return -ECONNRESET; #endif } } else {/* end if handler left socket open */ NETCLOSE(com_soc); #ifdef SELECT FD_CLR(com_soc, &open_sockets); #endif } }; /* for loop */ /*NOTREACHED*/ } /* end server_loop */ /* Main program ** ------------ ** ** Options: ** -v verify: turn trace output on to stdout ** -a addr Use different tcp port number and style ** -l file Log requests in ths file ** -r file Take rules from this file ** -R file Clear rules and take rules from file. */ int main ARGS2 ( int, argc, char**, argv) { int status; #ifdef RULES int rulefiles = 0; /* Count number loaded */ #endif char * addr = ""; /* default address */ WWW_TraceFlag = 0; /* diagnostics off by default */ #ifdef RULES HTClearRules(); #endif { int a; for (a=1; a