W3C Germany and Austria Office: HTML5 day in Vienna

For the fourth time W3C Germany and Austria Office (W3C.DE/AT) invites Web developers, programmers, students, teachers and everybody interested in the evolution of the Web to its HTML5 day. After a series of 3 successful events in Berlin, Bonn and Munich the next one will be held in Vienna on Nov 7./8. in cooperation with the Austrian Computer Society (OCG).

As the previous events the event it will provide background and basics on HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript, introduce to new features and APIs and cover some hot topics (e. g. Web Components). A special topic on this event will be “HTML5 and accessibility”. The event will be held in German language. Speaker are Klaus Birkenbihl (on HTML5&Co) and Michael Stenitzer(on HTML5 and accessibility). Details can be found in the announcement.

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