This version relies on version 6 of the Adobe plugin, which properly implements some features that were not o.k. in ASV3.

A Combined Slidemaker

Table of Contents


This is a slidemaker tool. The fundamental goal is to use one input file, written in XHTML (with some restrictions) and generate, eg, a series of XHTML and/or SVG files, one file per slide and with the appropriate links, or an input file used by a special PHP script (the latter is, essentially, a script produced by Dean Jackson, with some very minor modifications).

In the input file each slide is surrounded by a div of class "slide"; the only h1 element within a div serves as a title of the slide.

The tool is a set of Python modules. At present, it consist of a general core, and subclasses to generate a series of XHTML slides or a series of SVG slides. Adding subclasses to generate one large SVG file, VoiceXML, or other formats becomes relatively straightforward (it mainly requires a familiarity with the target format, as well as some programming practice in Python). To run the scripts the PyXML module must be installed, too.

The module includes a Python script ( that can serve as command line call. The module can be invoked with the following options:

Just for usual unix programs, options can be combined. Ie, -szhv means to generate compressed SVG files as well as HTML files with '.html' suffixes, and print the progression on the screen.

Basic structure of the source XHTML file

The following rules must be followed in all cases:

The file must be XHTML
ie, XML... the tool relies on proper XML processing, so a clean structure is necessary.
The file must have a title in the header
This is a good practice anyway... but this will be used to set the title of the full presentation!
Each slide must be enclosed by a <div class="slide">
This element is the "trigger" to separate the slides.
Each slide (ie, each <div class="slide">) may begin by a h1 and this must be the only usage of h1-s
This elements is used to set the title a slide. If ommitted, the slide will still be generated but without title. The title is also reused for the table of content slide.
SVG content must use the object statement
Ie, embed is not recognized. The dimensions of the object can be given either in percentages or in fixed values, both as attributes or as style attributes.

The SVG files themselves should not set their dimensions explicitly, but should use the viewBox attribute instead. This ensures a proper re-scaling of the content.

If the intention is to use SVG slides on the output, there are some further restrictions. Essentially, the format is XHTML Basic, but with some further (maybe temporary) restrictions:

The following modules/elements are not managed (yet?):
base and form modules
br, address elements.
Limited handling of tables
None of the "fancy" things (colgroup, rowspan), etc, are implemented. The rows and the table cells are evenly spread in the available horizontal space, that is about it. The position of each cell content is set to the start of the cell position; for header cells the position is set to the middle (style sheet control may ensure to use that position as the right anchor). There is a limited implementation of caption, the border and background attributes for table cells.
List numbering
The value or start attributes for li elements are understood when part of an ol. Note that, in contrast to XHTML Basic, the numbering does not rely on CSS, simply because almost no CSS implementations implement this feature yet, so the author will have to use these deprecated attributes.
List types
The list-style-type (or, at a lower priority, the list-type) CSS properties are understood when part of a style attribute (the script does not do a full CSS processing to associate CSS properties to elements). For numbered list, the roman, alpha, decimal, and greek numberings can be used; for un-numbered list, the styles disc, square, circle, and none are interpreted (note, however, that the Unicode characters used for these styles may not be available for all fonts!).
(In contrast to XHTML Basic) the style element is also understood
The content is usually copied verbatim to the SVG output as a style element, except when interpreted by the conversion (eg, list type, floating).

For the XHTML and SVG cases, the output of the tool is a series of XX.html or XX.svg(z) files, respectively, where XX stands for the number of the slide. Furthermore, an Overview.html (resp. Overview.svg(z)) file is generated with links to the individual slide in the form of a table of content. For the Overview.html file the Table of Content may be preceded by a separate text: if the input file contains a separate div of class 'prologue', that portion will be copied verbatim to the beginning of Overview.html.

For the PHP case, the output is a single file called slides.html, and a PHP script called Slides.php. An Overview.html is generated but only with the possible prologue content.

Note that the file names for the Overview, Slides.php, etc, can be modified by key/value pairs, see below.

Handling Images

Slides may have illustration in two different formats: images (in png, jpg, etc) or include SVG content.

"Traditional" Images

Traditional images are set using the img element. The generated HTML slides uses that verbatim. Generated SVG slides use SVG's image element to access the image.

In the case of SVG the size of the image is important. For that purpose, using the width and height attributes in the img with percentage values is the most appropriate; the tool uses these percentage values against the content area to position the image. If not set as percentages, the values are taken over verbatim (but that might become a problem on the generated slide...)

A future extention of the tool might interpret the image and extract the size from the image and position it on the page accordingly. Note that this would require the installation of a separate image handling library in Python (called PIL), not part of the default distribution and not that easy to distribute because it is a binary program not a python script...

SVG Images

SVG content must be set through object elements (the mime type must be set to image/svg+xml). The tool interprets the element, albeit using very different approaches for the HTML/PHP and SVG cases.

SVG Images in HTML/PHP

For HTML/PHP slides, the tool replaces the SVG content with reference to an image, following the algorithm:

  1. If the object element gives an alternative image as its child, this will be copied into the generated slide verbatim
  2. If not, the basename of the 'data' attribute in the object will get the 'png' suffix and that will be used as an image reference (see also the image property below that might be used to set the directory for the image, instead of using the directory of the 'data' value.

SVG Images in SVG

By default, the SVG file in the 'data' attribute will be copied into the target SVG slide. However, if the 'data' URI contains a fragment identifier, too, than only an external reference to that URI will be added to the SVG file, without copying the content.

Handling Mathematics

The source file may also use an object element to refer to a MathML file (the mime type in the object must be set to application/mathml+xml). For XHTML output, the content is copied into the target slide, enclosed in a math element with the proper namespace. (SVG slides ignore the MathML object, there is no automatic conversion to image yet).

The generated XHTML file also includes the mathml.xsl XSLT style sheet, and some other attributes are set, as described on the "Putting mathematics on the Web with MathML page. Note that the files must be served as XML to be properly displayed on a Mozilla browser, for example.


The fundamental tool to customize the output is CSS (both for HTML and SVG). The distribution contains a number of style combination. The basic mechanism for the customization of SVG slides is to use the pattern filling feature to control, eg, the background of a slide. This is done by defining the patterns once and for all in a separate SVG file and refer to it through a CSS file (this is the mechanism that does not work in the ASV3 version, though…)

Beyond what CSS can do, there are a number of features of the tool that can be controlled via key/value pairs. The accepted values of key/value pairs are listed below. These key/value pairs can be set in various files, defining site-wide defaults as well as the flexibility for defaults in the presentation. The places where the key/value pairs can be set are (in increasing priority)

The various key/value pairs are listed below.

General Properties

Author of the slide (used in the signature area, for example)
Home page URI of the Author
Base name of the table of content page (with an '.html' and '.svg(z)' suffix). E.g., at W3C, the typical name is 'Overview'
The Copyright statement to be added in the generated slides (eg, as metadata)
Link to the on-line version of the copyright
Name of the author's organization

Note that these attributes are also used to add metadata to the generated slides, for example in RDF format in the SVG files.

HTML Specific Properties

Directory path to the image files that will be used in HTML files to replace SVG content (see below)
The file name  used for the generated slide file in the PHP case
The file name used for the PHP script

SVG Specific Properties

Some of these attributes are used to control the visual output of the SVG slides, primarily coordinate values. At the moment, such customization cannot be done in CSS. These should typically be set in a general Python modules rather than in the input files.

H, W, sX, sY, sW, sH
Dimension of the slide: it will be of (W,H) size, with the real "content" positioned on a rectangle at (sX,sY) with size (sW,sH).
dx, dyS, dyB, dyPre
Vertical steps between consecutive lines: 'dx' is the indentation for list elements, 'dyS' and 'dyB' are the vertical steps small and big, respectively, (depending on the indentation level), and 'dyPre' is the same for code excepts in the generated slides (ie, mapping the pre elements of the input).
c_default, c_decimal, c_decimal_leading_zero, c_lower_roman, c_upper_roman, c_lower_alpha, c_upper_alpha
The characters to be put after the numbering item when generated the 'ol' list (separate for the various list numering styles).
Navigational arrow sizes
sigOut, slNoX, slNoY
Whether a full signature should be generated (on the bottom of each slide) or just a slide number. If the latter, the coordinates of the number are specified
colH, colW, colTH, tocFontS
Controlling the table of content: height and width of a cell, downward step between one cell to another, font size for the cells
fromPattern, toPattern
When SVG content is copied into SVG, and the SVG content includes references (for images, etc), the result can lead to dangling links. The tool will change the starting part of each link using this pair of pattern: each occurence of the 'fromPattern' will be exchanged against the 'toPattern'.
Whether an additional rectangle (with the class set to ObjectBackground) should be generated as a background for included images. This can be used, eg, to give another background colour via CSS styleing.  The value must be True or False.
CSS style file to be added for the generated SVG slides (eg, if the slide includes another SVG content that requires a specific CSS file)
The default mechanism when generating SVG slides is to take each stylesheet link statements, add the 'SVG' to the basename, and use that as a basename for the references SVG file. This property can be overriden by giving an explicity reference to a CSS file name.

This property might become unnecessary in future. The current ASV implementation has some bugs in the way CSS files are referenced; in a new version this might be settled and then the default mechanism might be quite enough.

Language Setting and Character Encoding

The script interprets the lang attribute, if set on the html element: it sets the appropriate lang xml:lang attributes on the XHTML and SVG files. If not set, the language setting is en.

By default both SVG and XHTML files are utf-8 encoded. For SVG slides, this is not a problem (most servers are set up so that SVG files are served as XML files with utf-8), it might be a slight problem for XHTML files. For XHTML, the server should be set up to serve the XHTML file in UTF-8, see the document provided by W3C's I18N Activity, for example.


A sequence of div-s for slides can be enclosed in a div with class `chapter'. The first h1 element in the chapter sets the chapter title; this will be displayed on all slides in the chapter as part of the header. (Though it can be controlled by CSS, the chapter title usually appears on top of the slide title with small font.)


A slide (i.e., a div of class 'slide') may be empty but have instead an extra href attribute in the namespace. The value of this attribute (typically a URI with fragment identifier) should identify a similar div in another file; that div (i.e., the corresponding slide) is copied into the to replace the empty div.

Cross References

If the input file includes an a element with a fragment identifier URI (i.e., only of the form href="#something", the fragment identifier is supposed to match an "id" attribute of one of the slide div elements. In the generated HTML, PHP, and/or SVG slides, the link is replaced by a link to the corresponding file. This is handy to make cross references among slides...


Everything is in a compressed tar file. Unfortunately, the current setup is a bit clumsy due to a bug in the current ASV6 implementation (they mess up the base URI for an included CSS file); as soon as they come out with a proper version, I plan to do a proper Python installation setup.

Ivan Herman, Head of Offices (
Last revised: $Date: 2005/05/01 09:29:43 $