graphic with four colored squares
Cover page images (keys)

XML Infosets

09 Aug 2005

Ivan Herman, W3C

XML Infosets

Slides of the presentation …

(If your browser has proper implementation of the object element of XHTML (e.g., Mozilla’s Firefox) and you have a SVG plugin installed, you might want to use the same slideset using SVG. Some of the images may have added interaction and they also rescale better…)

Table of Contents:

  1. XML has grown
  2. What is the Infoset?
  3. What does it mean to be “abstract”?
  4. Infoset details
  5. Overview of InfoSets
  6. Infosets can change (“Infoset Pipeline”)

XML has grown

What is the Infoset?

What does it mean to be “abstract”?

Infoset details

Overview of InfoSets

XML Infosets

Infosets can change (“Infoset Pipeline”)