EMAIL: fln@di.uminho.pt; URL: http://s700.uminho.pt/~fln

EMAIL: jno@di.uminho.pt; URL: http://www.di.uminho.pt/~jno

SOUR is the acronym of EUREKA 379 project "SOftware Use and Reuse".

Extracted from [6].

Following [12][11], where they are shown to be quite effective for software classification.

These strings are usually associated with the most relevant information available in the document. This relevant information becomes particularly easy to identify when we are dealing with languages for expressing context-free document descriptions (also known as Markup Languages) such as SGML[20], HTML[6], and TeX[7].

Which is based on the string-match principle.

However, the current version of the prototype allows to work only with one at a time, as indicated at each session's startup.

A reference to a file that is stored in a different server.

An inlink of an AO X is a triple of the form

  • Source X

  • or just

  • Source
  • for short.

    A reference to a file that is stored in the current server.

    Look for the topics WWW_RegisterURLEcho, WWW_URLEcho and WWW_UnRegisterURLEcho in [2] for more details.

    F. Luís Neves and José N. Oliveira , "Classifying Internet Objects" in WWW National Conference'95, Minho University, Braga, Portugal