2 Introducing AOs

Information in the SOUR software system [19] is generically recorded in the form of so-called Abstract Objects (AOs) which are independent of their physical support - e.g. text file, POSTSCRIPT file - or location - e.g. pathname.

Abstract objects (AOs) are catalogued in the system's abstract archive according to an adopted standard of classification called conceptualization, which is factored in two layers:

This conceptualization approach is thus a combination of the enumerative and faceted classification schemes [12][11], whereby a physical object (e.g. a piece of C-code) ``becomes'' an AO by attaching to it a profile consisting of the following basic items:

Every AO has a unique identity represented by its AOID (Abstract Object IDentifier). AOIDs are managed by the system and are transparent to the end-user.

F. Luís Neves and José N. Oliveira , "Classifying Internet Objects" in WWW National Conference'95, Minho University, Braga, Portugal