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Bug 6268 - [XSLFO] fo:folio-prefix (and other) content
Summary: [XSLFO] fo:folio-prefix (and other) content
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: XSLFO
Classification: Unclassified
Component: XSL-FO (show other bugs)
Version: 1.1
Hardware: All All
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Tony Graham
QA Contact: Mailing list for comments on XSL (XSl-FO)
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-12-04 14:40 UTC by Tony Graham
Modified: 2009-06-01 16:46 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:


Description Tony Graham 2008-12-04 14:40:25 UTC
This question applies at least to fo:folio-prefix, fo:folio-suffix, but also
seems to apply to fo:index-page-number-prefix, fo:index-page-number-suffix,
fo:index-page-citation-list-separator, and

Each of these objects has the following content model:
    (#PCDATA | %inline;)*.

The question: From whom do the child objects inherit properties? The use of
the term "static" for some of these seems to imply that they inherit
normally, that is, by reference to their ancestors in the tree. However,
that seems unlikely. It is easy, for example, to imagine an
fo:page-number-citation with a 12-point "Glossary-" prefix surrounded by
10-point text in a footnote. Am I correct to assume that instead this
content should be "grafted" in a manner similar to the way that fo:marker
content inherits from the fo:retrieve-marker that it replaces? Or would the
fo:page-number-citation need to explicitly set the font-size to the correct
Comment 1 Tony Graham 2008-12-18 13:03:27 UTC

I have an additional question pertinent to this thread. The content models
for fo:folio-prefix and fo:folio-suffix seem to be inconsistent with the
"Areas" description for fo:page-number, fo:page-number-citation, and
fo:page-number-citation-last. (A similar issue may exist for the
index-related formatting objects as well, but I can't yet see for sure).

Each of these "Areas" descriptions indicates that the object "generates and
returns a single normal inline-area". If this is true, then it seems that no
block-level objects should be allowed as descendants of fo:folio-prefix and
fo:folio-suffix. Although block-level objects are currently prohibited as
immediate descendants (children), they would currently be permitted in
succeeding generations as children of fo:basic-link, fo:inline-container,

On the other hand, if block-level descendants are permitted, then I think
those objects needs to be have an "Areas" description similar to that for
fo:inline, that is: "... generates one or more normal inline-areas. The
[object] returns these areas together with any normal block-areas ...
returned by the children of the [object]."
Comment 2 Tony Graham 2008-12-18 13:05:35 UTC
Proposal for clarification:

1) Add to the end of the last sentence

  The fo:folio-prefix formatting object does not directly produce any
  areas. Its children will be retrieved and used when formatting page

in the areas section of 6.6.13, 6.6.14 (fo:folio-prefix and -suffix)
the text:

", as described in 6.6.10 and 6.10.7."

2) Add to the end of the last sentence

  The fo:index-page-number-prefix formatting object does not directly
  produce any areas. Its children will be retrieved and used by
  fo:index-page-citation-list when formatting cited page items and
  cited page item ranges.

in the areas section of 6.10.2, 6.10.3, 6.10.8, and 6.10.9
fo:index-page-number-prefix, fo:index-page-number-suffix,
fo:index-page-citation-list-separator, and
the text:

", as described in 6.10.7."

In accordance with the instructions at, please review the
proposed resolution carefully and let the Working Group know whether it's
acceptable or not.
Comment 3 Victor Mote 2009-06-01 16:46:30 UTC
I don't see that the proposed clarification answers either of the two questions posed:

1. From whom do the child objects inherit properties? Absent any clarification here, I understand the answer to be that they inherit from ancestors in the FO tree instead (as I thought more reasonable) from the page-number or page-number-citation objects that they are grafted into. This answer would seem to make these constructs useless, or at least very awkward to use. However, it is certainly possible to implement it this way, so I consider this part of the question to be closed.

2. How do you get block content to fit into a "single normal inline-area"? As far as I can tell, this requirement is NOT possible to implement, with or without the clarification offered, so I would ask the WG to please further clarify what is supposed to happen here. For example, admittedly contrived, assuming that the fo:folio-prefix shown belongs to the reference-page-sequence of the fo:page-number-citation shown:
<fo:block>The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire</fo:block>
<fo:block>... on page <fo:page-number-citation>.</fo:block>

The fo:inline shown returns "one or more normal inline-areas ... together with any normal block-areas, page-level-out-of-line areas, and reference-level-out-of-line areas returned by the children of the fo:inline". How does an implementation go about making all of this fit into the "single normal inline-area" that the fo:page-number-citation generates and returns?