This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
These events are currently only referred to in the scrolling and resizing algorithms. They lack explicit definitions. Explicit definitions would be useful so that other specs (e.g. HTML) could link to them. Also, such definitions are typically somewhat more detailed; see e.g.
Thanks, fixed in
What about the cancellability and bubble-ness of the events?
HTML doesn't have that information in its event tables, whether it's cancelable or bubbles depends on where it's fired; it's not an inherent property of the event type. In particular, 'scroll' in CSSOM View both bubbles and doesn't bubble, depending on the target. I suppose it would be possible to have that information in the tables though; let me know what you think.